Blar i Brage IMR på emneord "recruitment"
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A cross-ecosystem comparison of temporal variability in recruitment of functionally analogous fish stocks
(ICES CM documents;2007/D:10, Working paper, 2007)As part of the international MENU collaboration, variability in temporal patterns of recruitment and spawning stock were compared among functionally analogous species from four marine ecosystems including the Gulf of ... -
A study of first feeding herring (Clupea harengus L.) larvae during the period 1985- 1993
(ICES CM Documents;1993/H:21, Working paper, 1993)Hatching and distribution of first feeding larvae of Norwegian spring spawning herring have been monitored on the Norwegian shelf in March and April since 1985. During this period the spawning stock increased from 0.5 ... -
Abundance and mortality of Northeast Arctic cod and haddock during their first years of life
(ICES CM Documents;2010/C:04, Working paper, 2010)For Northeast Arctic cod and haddock in the Barents Sea, long time series of year-class abundance are available at several stages before they recruit to the fishery, i. e. before they reach age 3. Several studies have ... -
Aspects of recruitment with examples from commercially important fish stocks in Norwegian waters
(Doctoral thesis, 1994) -
Dagsonelesning og silderekruttering
(Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1992) -
Demonstration of maternal effects of Atlantic cod: Combining the use of unique mesocosm and novel molecular techniques – A new EU-project
(ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2000)One of the effects of fishing is a reduction in average age and size in exploited fish stocks, leading to an increasing proportion of recruit spawners in the stock. Current management practice assumes equal viability of ... -
Enhancement studies of coastal cod, Gadus morhua L. : recruitment, migration, and mortality
(Doctoral thesis, 1991) -
Environmental influences on the recruitment process inferred from otolith stable isotopes in Merluccius merluccius off the Balearic Islands
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008-08-13)Oxygen (δ18O) and carbon (δ13C) isotope ratios in sagittal otoliths were analysed in recruits and juveniles of European hake Merluccius merluccius L. caught in the northwest (Sóller, SO) and south (Cabrera, CA) of the ... -
An evaluation of recruitment indices for Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua L.)
(ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1999)Indices of the abundance of Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua L.) for various life stages were compared in order to determine the earliest stage at .which year-class strength is established. The indices considered are: ... -
Extension of the match-mismatch hypothesis to predator-controlled systems
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-01-31)Differential change in the phenology of predators and prey is a potentially important climate-mediated mechanism influencing populations. The match-mismatch hypothesis describes the effect of predator-prey population ... -
Fiskerekruttering og miljøforhold i strandsonen langs den norske Skagerrakkysten høsten 1992
(Rapport fra forskningsstasjonen Flødevigen;1993 Nr.3, Working paper, 1993) -
Fiskerekruttering og miljøforhold i strandsonen langs den Norske Skagerrakkysten høsten 1994
(Fisken og havet, Research report, 1995)Some important fish species as cod, pollack and whiting have their nursery areas in the littoral zone. A study of the abundance of these species in the littoral zone can therefore give an indication of recruitment. Studies ... -
Fiskeressurser i ytre Oslofjord sammenlignet med resten av den norske Skagerrakkysten
(Fisken og havet, Research report, 2004)The stock density of adult cod and other demersal fishes in the Outer Oslofjord is lower than on the rest of the Skagerrak coast, and also lower in this area. The fry production seems not to be reduced, but the fish disappear ... -
Forskningsstrategi på fiskens tidlige livsfaser
(Rapport/Notat Biologisk og Kjemisk Oseanografi;Nr. BKO 8906, Working paper, 1989-09-01) -
Growth, recruitment and mortality of Pandalus borealis (Krøyer), in Balsefjord, Northern Norway
(ICES CM Documents;1976/K:31, Working paper, 1976)A population study of the deep sea prawn started in autumn 1975. Eight months were sampled until July 1976. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated from mean carapace length of certain year classes, excluding ... -
How can a potential oil pollution affect the recruitment to fish stocks?
(ICES CM Documents;1989/Mini:5, Working paper, 1989)Eggs, larvae and the larvae's first search for food are the most critical stages in a fish life, both to threats from natural causes and pollution. Based on experimental studies of several species of fish eggs, larvae ... -
Influence of climate on recruitment and migration of fish stocks in the North Sea
(ICES CM Documents;1991/H:12, Working paper, 1991)For several decades one of the prime targets within fishery science has been to be able to understand and explain the great variability in the success of survival from egg to mature fish. One of the reasons why such effort ... -
Levermengden viser fiskebestandens rekrutteringspotensial
(Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 2000) -
Modelling the variability of the drift of blue whiting larvae and its possible importance for recruitment
(ICES CM Documents;1996/S:31, Working paper, 1996)The first 8 months of the drift of blue whiting larvae has been simulated and studied for the 20 year period 1976-1994, using the 3-dimensional numerical model system NORWECOM (the NORWegian ECOlogical Model system). The ... -
Overview of the EU fair project "STEREO" (Stock effects on recruitment relationships)
(ICES CM Documents;1999/Y:10, Working paper, 1999)The overall objective of the STEREO project is to improve the methodology for determining limit reference points for the biomass of exploited fish stocks. Limit reference points set boundaries which are intended to ...