Browsing Brage IMR by Subject "økosystemmodeller"
Now showing items 21-36 of 36
Quantify the potential effects on shelf seas-coatal physics/climate and ecosystems from global climate change predictions
(Research report, 2010-02-03)Knowledge of how hydrography, circulation and production on the lower trophic levels will change due to climate change, is crucial for our understanding and management of the ecosystem in the future. Three different models ... -
Report from a special meeting of the Multispecies Assessment Working Group [Bergen, 23- 27 April, 1990]
(ICES CM Documents;1990/Assess:28, Working paper, 1990) -
Report of the ICES Science Committee (SCICOM) [4–6 May 2010 Charlottenlund Castle, Copenhagen]
(ICES CM documents;2010/SCICOM:01, Working paper, 2010) -
Report of the ICES Science Committee (SCICOM) [September 2010 Nantes, France]
(ICES CM documents;2010/SCICOM:02, Working paper, 2010) -
Report of the MARIFISH-ICES Joint Workshop on Integrated Ecosystem Modelling; building our capacity to understand and manage marine ecosystems in a changing world (WKIEM) [16-18 November 2010, Barcelona, Spain]
(ICES CM Documents;2010/SSGSUE:13, Working paper, 2010) -
Report of the Planning Group for a Workshop on Ecosystem Models [ICES Headquarters, 6- 8 March, 2001]
(ICES CM Documents;2001/ACME:6, Working paper, 2001) -
Report of the Science Committee (SCICOM) [19–27 September 2009 Berlin, Germany]
(ICES CM documents;Final SCICOM, Working paper, 2009) -
Report of the Study Group on Modelling of Physical/Biological Interactions [Chapel Hill, USA, 10- 12 March, 2003]
(ICES CM Documents;2003/C:4, Working paper, 2003) -
Report of the Working Group on Modelling of Physical/Biological Interactions (WGPBI) [10- 11 March, 2004, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain]
(ICES CM Documents;2004/C:3, Working paper, 2004) -
Report of the Working Group on Modelling of Physical/Biological Interactions (WGPBI) [7-8 April 2005, Hamburg, Germany]
(ICES CM Documents;2005/C:04, Working paper, 2005) -
Set-up of the Nordic and Barents Seas (NoBa) Atlantis model
(Fisken og Havet;2-2016, Research report, 2016-04-05)End-to-end models are important tools when moving towards an ecosystem based approach to fisheries management. Atlantis is one such end-to-end model. Atlantis has been developed forseveral areas, including Australia, U.S., ... -
«Slippefest» på HI, men... [Jan Erik Stiansen uttaler seg om klimamodeller]
(Others, 2009-12-09) -
Spatial variability of the plankton trophic interaction in the North Sea: a new feature after the early 1970s
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-08-24)Traditionally, marine ecosystem structure was thought to be bottom-up controlled. In recent years, a number of studies have highlighted the importance of top-down regulation. Evidence is accumulating that the type of trophic ... -
Strøm i fjorder - strømkatalog og smittespredning
(Havforskningsnytt;Nr. 9 - 2011, Working paper, 2011)Strøm, saltholdighet og temperatur er grunnleggende parametre som har en direkte innvirkning på økosystemene i fjordene. Ved hjelp av et nytt modellsystem som er under utvikling, vil vi både kunne beskrive hvordan strømmen ... -
The three-dimensional prey field of the northern krill, Meganyctiphanes norvegica, and the escape responses of their copepod prey
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-02-24)In the north Atlantic, Meganyctiphanes norvegica feeds predominantly on copepods, including Calanus spp. To quantify its perceptual field for prey, and the sensory systems underlying prey detection, the responses of tethered ... -
The three-dimensional prey field of the northern krill, Meganyctiphanes norvegica, and the escape responses of their copepod prey
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-02-24)In the north Atlantic, Meganyctiphanes norvegica feeds predominantly on copepods, including Calanus spp. To quantify its perceptual field for prey, and the sensory systems underlying prey detection, the responses of tethered ...