Blar i Brage IMR på emneord "økosystemmodeller"
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A minimal Barents Sea ecosystem model from first principles.
(Conference object, 2011) -
A minimal Barents Sea ecosystem model from first principles.
(Conference object, 2011) -
Adaptive management of living marine resources by integrating different data sources and key ecological processes (ADMAR): A joint effort by IMR and CEES
(ICES CM documents;2010/R:26 Poster;, Working paper, 2010-09) -
An Ecopath with Ecosim model of the Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea validated against time series of abundance
(Fisken og havet;7-2016, Research report, 2016-06-17)We here present a fitted and partly validated Ecopath with Ecosim model for the Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea. Ecopath mass-balance model parameters were obtained from the literature on Norwegian and Barents Sea organisms ... -
Bridging marine ecosystem and biogeochemistry research: Lessons and recommendations from comparative studies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-07-13)There is growing interest in linking marine biogeochemistry with marine ecosystems research in response to the increasing need to understand and predict the effect of global change on the marine ecosystem. Such a holistic ... -
Ecological carrying capacity in shellfish culture Operational models of carrying capacity applied to a Norwegian fjord
(ICES CM documents;2008/H:09, Working paper, 2008)Estimation of production carrying capacity for shellfish culture has become a major focus in research, with operational models applied at culture sites worldwide. Fundamental to these efforts are an understanding of the ... -
Effects of mortality changes on biomass and production in Calanus spp. populations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-04-28)Calanus species are the main link between primary producers and higher trophic-level organisms in the Barents Sea. The natural mortality rate is an essential parameter for determining the standing stock of Calanus, but it ... -
Eutrophication Scenaria from Reduced Nutrient Loads to the North Sea
(ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2003)The environmental effects of river nutrient loads to the North Sea have been investigated using a numerical biophysical model, NORWECOM, to perform different reduction scenarios. The simulations demonstrate that the river ... -
Extension of the match-mismatch hypothesis to predator-controlled systems
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-01-31)Differential change in the phenology of predators and prey is a potentially important climate-mediated mechanism influencing populations. The match-mismatch hypothesis describes the effect of predator-prey population ... -
Midterm report of the ICES Science Committee (SCICOM) [3-5 May 2011 WHO, Copenhagen]
(ICES CM documents;2011/SCICOM:01, Working paper, 2011) -
Modeling secondary production in the Norwegian Sea with a fully coupled model system
(ICES CM documents;L:09, Working paper, 2010-09) -
Modeling secondary production in the Norwegian Sea with a fully coupled model system
(ICES CM documents;L:09, Working paper, 2010-09) -
Multidecadal database of modelled shelf seas-coastal climate and ecosystems
(Research report, 2010-02-01) -
NORFISK - an ecosystem simulation model for studies of the fish stocks off the coast of Norway
(ICES CM Documents;1984/B:25, Working paper, 1984)A biomass based ecosystem simulation model has been fitted to a restricted area of the Norwegian coastal waters. The model uses a holistic ecosystem approach and data on biomasses and their interaction with each other ... -
North Sea sensitivity to atmospheric forcing
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-04)The sensitivity of North Sea physics and phytoplankton production to atmospheric forcing has been studied by performing perturbations of the atmospheric forcing fields through a number of model simulations. The perturbations ... -
North Sea sensitivity to atmospheric forcing
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-04)The sensitivity of North Sea physics and phytoplankton production to atmospheric forcing has been studied by performing perturbations of the atmospheric forcing fields through a number of model simulations. The perturbations ... -
Now you see me, now you don’t: uncertainties in projecting spatial distribution of marine populations
(Conference object, 2010-04) -
Phytoplankton depletion by mussel aquaculture: high resolution mapping, ecosystem modeling and potential indicators of ecological carrying capacity
(ICES CM documents;2008/ H:12, Working paper, 2008)Mussels held in suspended culture have an exceptional capacity to filter the water column and reduce suspended particle concentrations. However, seston depletion is only of concern if the phytoplankton are cleared faster ... -
Quantify the monthly to decadal variability of climate effects on the lower trophic levelse of shelf sea ecosystems
(Research report, 2010-02)This report describes three studies using multi-decadal simulations of regional coupled hydrodynamics ecosystem models. These models are used to investigate the relationship between lower trophic level marine ecosystems ...