Browsing Brage IMR by Author "Westgård, Trond"
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
0-group saithe and herring off the Norwegian coast in April - May 1988 [HELP 20]
Mehl, Sigbjørn; Nedreaas, Kjell Harald; Smedstad, Odd M.; Westgård, Trond (help, Research report, 1988)In 1985 investigations were started to try to measure the abundance of 0-group saithe before the main concentrations entered the inshore waters. In 1986-1988 the investigation area was. expanded to also cover the eastern ... -
A program for estimation of number and survival of a population, given a series of tag release/recapture data.
Westgård, Trond (ICES CM Documents;1982/G:7, Working paper, 1982)A computer program for convenient storage of tag release/recapture data is given. The program provides a facility to combine yearclasses if release/recapture are split into yearclasses. One estimate of number and three ... -
The diet and consumption of mackerel in the North Sea (a preliminary report)
Mehl, Sigbjørn; Westgård, Trond (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1983)The contents of 3674 mackerel stomacks sampled during 1981 and 1982 are analysed and presented. The samples were taken by five countries at 270 different stations as a part of The International Stomach Sampling Programme ... -
Feeding and vertical distribution of cod larvae in relation to availability of prey organisms
Ellertsen, Bjørnar; Solemdal, Per; Sundby, Svein; Tilseth, Snorre; Westgård, Trond; Øiestad, Victor (Conference object, 1979)The year-class strength of the Arcto-Norwegian cod stock varies on an annual basis by a factor of about 20:1 and is determined at the 0-group stage (about 1/2 year old cod). Since the number of eggs spawned far exceeds the ... -
Forskerkart. EDB - presentasjon av marine data. [HELP 18]
Westgård, Trond (help, Research report, 1988) -
Gastric evacuation rate in mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.)
Mehl, Sigbjørn; Westgård, Trond (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1983)About 1500 mackerel, 25-45 cm in Length, were kept in a net for l0 days. In two experiments the fish were £ed frozen euphausiids -ad. libiturn, and the wet weight of the stomach content determined every second hour for ... -
Instituttets infrastrukturprosjekt Sea2Data
Handegard, Nils Olav; Gjøsæter, Harald; Johansen, Geir Odd; Krakstad, Jens-Otto; Moksness, Erlend; Sagen, Helge; Vølstad, Jon Helge; Westgård, Trond (Conference object, 2010-11-03) -
Intermixture of the North Sea and western mackerel stocks determined by analyses of Norwegian tagging data
Bakken, Erling; Westgård, Trond (ICES CM Documents;1986/H:65, Working paper, 1986) -
Mackerel egg investigations in the North Sea
Iversen, Svein A.; Westgård, Trond (ICES CM Documents;1984/H:38, Working paper, 1984)This paper deals with the mackerel egg investigations in the North Sea in 1982 and 1983. The egg production is estimated by a computerized method. The confidence limits of the egg samples were estimated at 20-30%. The ... -
Mapping of marine data
Westgård, Trond; Knutsen, Tor (ICES CM Documents;1988/C:39, Working paper, 1988)In the last 7-8 years the Institute of Marine Research has developed and exchanged computer routines with other research institutes, building up effcient tools for computer presentation of marine data. The routines are ... -
A model of vertical distribution of pelagic eggs. A computer realization [HELP 17]
Westgård, Trond (help, Research report, 1988)The presented mathematical model and it's realization in an interactive computer program describes the vertical distribution of pelagic fish and plankton eggs. The water column has a density gradient and the vertical ... -
Operational Data distribution at Institute of Marine Reasearch
Lid, Sjur Ringheim; Sagen, Helge; Westgård, Trond (ICES CM documents;2010:A14, Working paper, 2010)The Norwegian marine datacenter (NMD) started serving operational research data from vessels operated by the Institute of Marine Research in the early 2000. Through the EU FP7 project MyOcean NMD has become the thematic ... -
Programs for handling and analysis of stomach contents data
Westgård, Trond (ICES CM Documents;1982/H:21, Working paper, 1982) -
Report of the meeting of the coordinators of the North Sea stomach sampling project 1981 [IJmuiden, 12 -16 July, 1982]
Westgård, Trond (ICES CM Documents;1982/G:33, Working paper, 1982) -
Some biological aspects of cod larvae (Gadus morhua L.)
Ellertsen, Bjørnar; Solemdal, Per; Strømme, Tore; Tilseth, Snorre; Westgård, Trond; Moksness, Erlend; Øiestad, Victor (Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1980)The development of functional larval stages is described in relation to different yolk sac stages. Morphological and histological work has been done concomitantly with the observation on the larval feeding behaviour. ... -
The diet and consumption of mackerel in the North Sea
Mehl, Sigbjørn; Westgård, Trond (ICES CM Documents;1983/H:34, Working paper, 1983) -
The egg production and spawning stock size of the North Sea mackerel stock in 1984
Iversen, Svein A.; Westgård, Trond; Kirkegaard, E.; Eltink, A.; Hopkins, P.; Walsh, Martin (ICES CM Documents;1985/H:38, Working paper, 1985)During the period 22 May to 17 July the spawning area of North Sea mackerel was investigated by research vessels from Scotland, the Netherlands, Denmark and Norway. Based on the 629 plankton samples and temperature ... -
Toktrapport [10/5 - 31/5, 1982]
Westgård, Trond ([Toktrapport/Havforskningsinstituttet];, Working paper, 1982-06-08) -
Toktrapport [10/6 - 9/7, 1986]
Ljøen, Rikard; Westgård, Trond; Iversen, Svein A. ([Toktrapport/Havforskningsinstituttet];, Working paper, 1986-08-28) -
Toktrapport [5/4 - 17/4, 30/4 - 24/5, 1988]
Mehl, Sigbjørn; Smedstad, Odd M.; Westgård, Trond ([Toktrapport/Havforskningsinstituttet];, Working paper, 1988-06-27)