Browsing Brage IMR by Author "Raknes, Askjell"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Acoustic estimates of spawning cod off Lofoten and Møre in 1982
Nakken, Odd; Godø, Olav Rune; Raknes, Askjell (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1982)Acoustic surveys on spawning cod were carried out in Lofoten and off Møre in order to estimate the stock size and structure. The 1975 yearclass made up the bulk of the spawning stock in both areas. In the Lofoten area the ... -
Acoustic estimates of spawning cod off Lofoten and Møre in 1983
Nakken, Odd; Godø, Olav Rune; Raknes, Askjell (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1983)Acoustic surveys on spawning cod were arried out in Lofoten and off Møre in order to estimate the stock size and structure. The 1975 year class made up the bulk of the spawning stock in both areas. In the Lofoten area the ... -
Acoustic estimates of spawning cod off Lofoten and Møre in 1984
Nakken, Odd; Godø, Olav Rune; Raknes, Askjell (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1984)Acoustic surveys on northeast Arctic spawning cod were carried out in Lofoten and off Møre in March-April 1984 in order to estimate the stock size and structure. Within the investigated areas the total number at spawning ... -
Acoustic estimates of spawning cod off Lofoten and Møre in 1985
Godø, Olav Rune; Raknes, Askjell; Sunnanå, Knut (ICES CM Documents;1985/G:66, Working paper, 1985)The annual surveys on the spawning stock of North-east Arctic cod were carried out in the Lofoten and Møre areas in March- April 1985. These surveys were undertaken to estimate the size and age structure of the spawning ... -
Acoustic estimates of spawning cod off Lofoten in 1986
Raknes, Askjell; Sunnanå, Knut (ICES CM Documents;1986/G:79, Working paper, 1986)The annual survey on the spawning stock of North-east Arctic cod were carried out in the Lofoten area in March 1986. This survey was undertaken to estimate the size and age structure of the spawning cod on the main ... -
Corrections of indices of abundance of 0-group fish in the Barents Sea for varying capture efficiency
Nakken, Odd; Raknes, Askjell (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1996)Each year since 1965 "The International 0-group Survey in the Barents Sea and Adjacent Waters" has provided indices of abundance of 0-group fish. During the 30 years of operation of the survey large improvements in capture ... -
Gytebestanden av N-E arktisk torsk i Lofotenområdet i februar-april 1983
Nakken, Odd; Raknes, Askjell (Intern rapport, Working paper, 1983-05) -
The horizontal distribution of arctic cod in relation to the distribution of bottom temperatures in the Barents Sea, 1978-1984 [fra "a workshop on comparative biology, assessment and management of gadoids from the North Pacific and Atlantic oceans" 24-28 June, 1985 Seattle, Washington]
Nakken, Odd; Raknes, Askjell (Proceedings: Part II, Conference object, 1986)The results from acoustic-trawl surveys in January-March were analyzed together with observations of bottom temperatures at the same cruises. Estimates of abundance of cod within temperature intervals of one degree were ... -
Korreksjon av tallrikhetsindekser for 0-gruppefisk i Barentshavet
Nakken, Odd; Raknes, Askjell (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1996)Hvert år siden 1965 har de "Internasjonale O-gruppeundersøkelsene i Barentshavet og tilstøtende områder" frembrakt tallrikhetsindekser for O-gruppe fisk (årets yngel) av en rekke arter. I løpet av de 30 år toktet er blitt ... -
Loddas utbredelse i Barentshavet i forhold til temperaturfeltet i perioden 1974-1982
Loeng, Harald; Nakken, Odd; Raknes, Askjell (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1983)The variations in the distribution and abundance of the different age groups of capelin in the Barents Sea were studied in relation to temperature variations in the period 1974-1982. The data were collected on yearly ... -
On the geographical distribution of arctic cod in relation to the distribution of bottom temperatures in the Barents Sea, 1977-1984
Nakken, Odd; Raknes, Askjell (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1984)The results from acoustic-trawl surveys in January-March were analysed together with observations of bottom temperatures at the same cruises. Distributions of fish abundance for each age group of cod on temperature were ... -
Skremmeeffektar på fisk frå 3-dimensjonale seismiske undersøkjingar
Dalen, John; Raknes, Askjell (Rapport/Notat Fysisk oseanografi, Working paper, 1985)I tida 13-22 juni, 1984 blei det utført eit samarbeidstokt mellom eit seismisk fartøy og eit forskningsutrusta fiskefartøy i Nordsjøen i blokk 34/7 og tilgrensande naboblokker. Formålet var å klarleggja eventuelle ... -
Target strength measurements and acoustic biomass estimation of capelin and 0-group fish
Dalen, John; Raknes, Askjell; Røttingen, Ingolf (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1976) -
Toktrapport [10/3 - 23/3, 1984]
Nakken, Odd; Raknes, Askjell ([Toktrapport/Havforskningsinstituttet];, Working paper, 1984-04-09) -
Toktrapport [23/3 - 12/4, 1992]
Korsbrekke, Knut; Raknes, Askjell; Jørstad, Knut Eirik ([Toktrapport/Havforskningsinstituttet];, Working paper, 1992) -
Toktrapport [6/4 - 23/4, 1990]
Raknes, Askjell ([Toktrapport/Havforskningsinstituttet];, Working paper, 1990) -
Toktrapport [8/3 - 19/3, 1985]
Sunnanå, Knut; Raknes, Askjell ([Toktrapport/Havforskningsinstituttet];, Working paper, 1985-04-20) -
Undersøkelser av torsk, hyse og uer i Barentshavet vinteren 1992
Godø, Olav Rune; Jakobsen, Tore; Mehl, Sigbjørn; Nedreaas, Kjell Harald; Raknes, Askjell ([Toktrapport/Havforskningsinstituttet];, Working paper, 1992) -
Undersøkelser av torsk, hyse, uer og blåkveite i Barentshavet og Svalbard-området høsten 1992
Hylen, Arvid; Korsbrekke, Knut; Mehl, Sigbjørn; Nakken, Odd; Nedreaas, Kjell Harald; Raknes, Askjell ([Toktrapport/Havforskningsinstituttet];, Working paper, 1992) -
Variasjonar i utbredelsen av torsk i Barentshavet i perioden 1977-1981
Midttun, Lars; Nakken, Odd; Raknes, Askjell (Journal article, 1981)