Blar i Brage IMR på forfatter "Holm, Jens Christian"
Blomster kan bli alternativ fiskemedisin
Boxaspen, Karin; Holm, Jens Christian (Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1991) -
Comparative growth and survival of two genetic strains of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) reared through the early life stages in a marine pond in western Norway
Blom, Geir; Svåsand, Terje; Jørstad, Knut Eirik; Otterå, Håkon; Paulsen, Ole Ingar; Holm, Jens Christian (ICES CM Documents;1990/F:48, Working paper, 1990)The investigation was carried out in a marine pond in western Norway during spring and summer 1990. Two genetic defined strains of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) were used as broodstocks. A total of 11.1 x 10^6 cod larvae ... -
God kvalitet på fôra makrell
Holm, Jens Christian; Hemre, Gro Ingunn (Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1997) -
Halibut behaviour as a means of assessing suitability of ongrowth systems
Holm, Jens Christian; Tuene, Stig; Fosseidengen, Jan Erik (ICES CM Documents;1998/L:4, Working paper, 1998)Halibut behaviour in net pens has been studied using direct observation, underwater video and/or hydroacoustic equipment. Rearing experience includes a wide range of fish weights (50-10.000 g) and fish densities (4-150 ... -
Håndbok i kveiteoppdrett
Mangor-Jensen, Anders; Holm, Jens Christian (Book, 2004) -
Håndbok i torskeoppdrett : stamfiskhold og yngelproduksjon
Holm, Jens Christian; Svåsand, Terje; Wennevik, Vidar (Book, 1991-01) -
Increased growth rate in Atlantic salmon parr by using a two-colour diet
Holm, Jens Christian; Jakobsen, Per J.; Johnsen, Geir Helge (ICES CM Documents;1985/F:17, Working paper, 1985)Fishes hunting by sight are known to pay a cost of confusion when faced with high densities of uniform food particles. In such instances, awareness of other stimuli reduces feeding efficiency such that the fishes prefer ... -
Incubation of halibut yolk sac larvae improved by addition of freshwater and oxygen
Holm, Jens Christian; Naas, Kjell Emil; Harboe, Torstein; Skår, Sjur Åge (ICES CM Documents;1998/L:14, Working paper, 1998)Halibut fry has been produced regularly by scientific and commercial institutions since late 80- ties. The yearly number of halibut fry produced have, however, not fulfllled the optimistic expectations. This could partly ... -
Intet fasitsvar for hvor tett laks bør oppdrettes
Holm, Jens Christian (Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1991) -
Kveite - botntilhøve og helsesituasjon
Holm, Jens Christian; Tuene, Stig (Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1995) -
Kveite i åen merd: "AMY-merden" virker!
Tuene, Stig; Holm, Jens Christian (Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1995) -
Kveite kan oppdrettes i lukket merd
Holm, Jens Christian (Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1994) -
Kveiteoppdrett i merd
Holm, Jens Christian; Karlsen, Ørjan (Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1999) -
La fiskelarvene bestemme!
Skiftesvik, Anne Berit; Holm, Jens Christian; Bergh, Øivind; Opstad, Ingegjerd; Pittman, Karin (Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1991) -
Live and frozen freshwater zooplankton as alternative startfeeding diets for Atlantic salmon in trays
Holm, Jens Christian (ICES CM Documents;1985/F:15, Working paper, 1985)Six groups of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fry were starfed with frozen Daphnia longispina, standard start food type EWOS or water with natural content of live zooplankton drained from the littoral zone in a coastal ... -
Lys øker veksten hos torsk og kveite
Holm, Jens Christian (Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1994) -
A new cleaning system for rearing tanks in larval fish culture
van der Meeren, Terje; Harboe, Torstein; Holm, Jens Christian; Solbakken, Roar (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1998) -
Oppvarma vatn gir god vekst hos ung kveite
Holm, Jens Christian; Tuene, Stig (Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1995) -
Preliminary results from stocking salmonid freshwater enclosures with flounder (Platichthys flesus)
Holm, Jens Christian; Thorsen, Jan (ICES CM Documents;1984/F:2, Working paper, 1984)Stocking of flounder in salmonid freshwater culture are suggested as a possible way of reducing loadings of surplus food to surrounding environment Flounder of different sizes were transferred from an estuary to Atlantic ... -
Seawater adaptability of two strains of arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) reared under different light regimes
Stefansson, Sigurd O.; Hansen, Tom; Holm, Jens Christian (ICES CM Documents;1987/F:37, Working paper, 1987)Groups of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) were reared under three experimental light regimes. Two different strains of char were used, one non-migratory from south Norway, the other anadromous from northern Norway. All ...