Browsing Brage IMR by Author "Hjermann, Dag Øystein"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Additive Models Reveal Sources of Metals and Organic Pollutants in Norwegian Marine Sediments
Everaert, Gert; Ruus, Anders; Hjermann, Dag Øystein; Borgå, Katrine; Green, Norman Whitaker; Boitsov, Stepan; Jensen, Henning; Poste, Amanda (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
Effects of climate and eutrophication on the diversity of hard bottom communities on the Skagerrak coast 1990-2010
Norderhaug, Kjell Magnus; Gundersen, Hege; Pedersen, Are; Moy, Frithjof Emil; Green, Norman Whitaker; Walday, Mats Gunnar; Gitmark, Janne Kim; Ledang, Anna Birgitta; Bjerkeng, Birger; Hjermann, Dag Øystein; Trannum, Hilde Cecilie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Eutrophication is one of the most serious environmental problems in the Skagerrak, and climate change may increase eutrophication in the future. This study focused on the effects of eutrophication and climate, and the ... -
Environmental effects of offshore produced water discharges: A review focused on the Norwegian continental shelf
Beyer, Jonny; Goksøyr, Anders; Hjermann, Dag Øystein; Klungsøyr, Jarle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Produced water (PW), a large byproduct of offshore oil and gas extraction, is reinjected to formations or discharged to the sea after treatment. The discharges contain dispersed crude oil, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ... -
Forurensning i de norske havområdene - Barentshavet, Norskehavet og Nordsjøen - Rapport fra Overvåkingsgruppen 2021
Frantzen, Sylvia; Boitsov, Stepan; Dehnhard, Nina; Duinker, Arne; Grøsvik, Bjørn Einar; Heimstad, Eldbjørg Sofie; Hjermann, Dag Øystein; Jensen, Henning; Jensen, Louise Kiel; Leiknes, Øystein; Nilsen, Bente Merete; Routti, Heli Anna Irmeli; Schøyen, Merete; Skjerdal, Hilde Kristin (Rapport fra havforskningen;2022 - 3, Research report, 2022)Denne rapporten sammenstiller kunnskap om forurensningstilstanden i forvaltningsplanområdene Barentshavet, Norskehavet og Nordsjøen/Skagerrak, med hovedvekt på miljøgifter og radioaktiv forurensning. Rapporten oppsummerer ... -
Possible adverse impact of contaminants on Atlantic cod population dynamics in coastal ecosystems
Ono, Kotaro; Knutsen, Halvor; Olsen, Esben Moland; Ruus, Anders; Hjermann, Dag Øystein; Stenseth, Nils Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)While many in-laboratory ecotoxicological studies have shown the adverse impact of pollutants to the fitness of an individual, direct evidence from the field on the population dynamics of wildlife animals has been lacking. ... -
Synthesis of climate relevant results from selected monitoring programs in the coastal zone. Part 2: Quantitative analyses
Frigstad, Helene; Andersen, Guri Sogn; Trannum, Hilde Cecilie; Naustvoll, Lars Johan; Kaste, Øyvind; Hjermann, Dag Øystein (NIVA-rapport, Research report, 2018)This report is Part 2 of the project Synthesis of climate relevant results from selected monitoring programs in the coastal zone (Klima-Overblikk). The overall aim of this report was to document changes over the period ... -
Tallknusing av sukkertaredata
Gundersen, Hege; Norderhaug, Kjell Magnus; Christie, Hartvig C; Moy, Frithjof Emil; Hjermann, Dag Øystein; Vedal, Jens; Ledang, Anna Birgitta; Gitmark, Janne Kim; Walday, Mats (Research report, 2014)Norsk institutt for vannforskning (NIVA) og Havforskningsinstituttet (HI) har gjennomført prosjektet «Tallknusing av sukkertare-data», på oppdrag fra Miljødirektoratet. Gjennom prosjektet har tilgjengelige data som kan ... -
The effects of oil spills on marine fish: Implications of spatial variation in natural mortality
Langangen, Øystein; Olsen, Erik Joel Steinar; Stige, Leif Christian; Ohlberger, Jan Philipp; Yaragina, Natalia A.; Vikebø, Frode Bendiksen; Bogstad, Bjarte; Stenseth, Nils Christian; Hjermann, Dag Øystein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
Three decades of change in the Skagerrak coastal ecosystem, shaped by eutrophication and coastal darkening
Frigstad, Helene; Andersen, Guri Sogn; Trannum, Hilde Cecilie; Mcgovern, Maeve; Naustvoll, Lars Johan; Kaste, Øyvind; Deininger, Anne; Hjermann, Dag Øystein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Global coastal ecosystems are under accelerating pressure from human activities and climate change. In this study we explore a long-term time series (mostly 1990–2016) from major Norwegian rivers, together with coastal ...