Blar i Brage IMR på forfatter "Heldal, Hilde Elise"
Beskrivelse av miljø og levende marine ressurser i havområdene ved Jan Mayen
Fossum, Petter; Mork, Kjell Arne; Tverberg, Vigdis; Boitsov, Stepan; Heldal, Hilde Elise; Bagøien, Espen; Rønning, Jon; Slotte, Aril; Vollen, Tone; Wienerroither, Rupert; Dahle, Geir; Buhl-Mortensen, Pål; Øien, Nils; Øigård, Tor Arne; Fauchald, Per (Rapport fra Havforskningen;Nr. 16 - 2012, Working paper, 2012-05)Resultatene fra et tokt med ”G.O. Sars” på Jan Mayenryggen i oktober 2011 blir sammenstilt med våre andre overvåkingsdata og info fra litteraturen. Hensikten med prosjektet er å beskrive miljø og marine ressurser på sokkelen ... -
Distribution of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in sediments from the Vefsnfjord, Norway
Heldal, Hilde Elise; Helvik, Lena; Haanes, Hallvard; Volynkin, Andrey Sergeevich; Jensen, Henning; Lepland, Aivo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Areas in central Norway were heavily contaminated with fallout from the Chernobyl accident in 1986. In this study, we assess 137Cs in surface sediments and sediment cores collected in the Vefsnfjord in Nordland county. ... -
A Framework for Communicating Qualities of Indicators
Hauge, Kjellrun Hiis; Heldal, Hilde Elise; Olsen, Erik; Skjoldal, Hein Rune (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2003)There is a growing focus on ecosystem-based indicators and what qualities they need to satisfy. However, the qualities and the characteristics of the already existing indicators vary substantially. Due to both scientific ... -
Geochronology of sediment cores from the Vefsnfjord, Norway
Heldal, Hilde Elise; Helvik, Lena; Appleby, Peter G.; Haanes, Hallvard; Volynkin, Andrey Sergeevich; Jensen, Henning; Lepland, Aivo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The sedimentary environment is a repository and carrier for a variety of pollutants, and sediment transport from land to coastal areas is an important environmental process. In the present study, we use 210Pb/226Ra and ... -
Increased barium levels in recent marine sediments from the Norwegian and Barents Seas suggest impact of hydrocarbon drilling and production
Haanes, Hallvard; Jensen, Henning; Lepland, Aivo; Heldal, Hilde Elise (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Barium (Ba) in recent marine sediments can originate from natural and anthropogenic sources including discharges from the oil and gas industry. In this study, we use data from the Norwegian and Barents Seas to assess whether ... -
Inferring ecological separation from regional differences in radioactive caesium in harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena
Tolley, Krystal A.; Heldal, Hilde Elise (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2002-03-06)Geographic variation in the level of radioactive caesium-137 (Cs-137) was examined from the axial muscle of 36 harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena obtained as bycatch from 5 locations along the coast of Norway, ranging ... -
Knowledge update on macroalgae food and feed safety - based on data generated in the period 2014-2019 by the Institute of Marine Research, Norway
Duinker, Arne; Kleppe, Malin; Fjære, Even; Biancarosa, Irene; Heldal, Hilde Elise; Dahl, Lisbeth; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore (Rapport fra havforskningen;2020 - 44, Research report, 2020)It has previously been addressed that some species of macroalgae may contain elevated levels of iodine, cadmium and inorganic arsenic. With the increased amount of data in the present report it is now possible to discriminate ... -
Kvikksølvinnhold i fisk og annen sjømat ved vraket av U-864 vest av Fedje
Frantzen, Sylvia; Otterå, Håkon Magne; Heldal, Hilde Elise; Måge, Amund (Rapport fra havforskningen;8-2018, Research report, 2018)Denne rapporten viser resultater fra overvåkningen for Kystverket i 2016 av kvikksølv i sjømat ved ubåtvraket U-864 vest av Fedje. Vi analyserte prøver av brosme, taskekrabbe, lange, torsk, lyr, lusuer, sei, skjellbrosme, ... -
North Sea Ecosystem - Report_2023002006
Franzè, Gayantonia; Falkenhaug, Tone; Albretsen, Jon; Lerch, Sarah Joanne; Höffle, Hannes; Heldal, Hilde Elise; Ershova, Elizaveta; Gundersen, Kjell (Toktrapport;2024 - 15, Research report, 2024)The North Sea Ecosystem spring cruise (NSEC) has been run since 2010 by the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) as a multi-purpose survey. The cruise is usually performed in mid-April – mid-May to investigate the horizontal ... -
North Sea Ecosystem Cruise Report_JH2022206
Franzè, Gayantonia; Falkenhaug, Tone; Albretsen, Jon; Ershova, Elizaveta; Gundersen, Kjell; Heldal, Hilde Elise; Lerch, Sarah (Toktrapport;2023 - 2, Research report, 2023)The North Sea Ecosystem cruise (NSEC) is a multi-purpose survey established to monitor distribution and interactions of several components that constitute the lower trophic levels of the pelagic food web including ... -
Radioactive substances in Norwegian farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Heldal, Hilde Elise; Volynkin, Andrey Sergeevich; Skjerdal, Hilde Kristin; Komperød, Mari; Naghchbandi, Parvine; Hannisdal, Rita (Rapport fra havforskningen;Nr. 24 - 2017, Research report, 2017) -
Revision of the Norwegian-Russian Barents Sea Ecosystem Survey (BESS) - The current status and revision of the Norwegian sector of the BESS survey
Eriksen, Elena; Johansen, Geir Odd; van der Meeren, Gro Ingleid; Mørk, Herdis Langøy; Karlson, Stine; Bagøien, Espen; Bao, Miguel; Berg, Erik; Bogstad, Bjarte; Boitsov, Stepan; Cipriani, Paolo; Dalpadado, Padmini; Danielsen, Hanna Ellerine Helle; Giulietti, Lucilla; Hallfredsson, Elvar Halldor; Heldal, Hilde Elise; Hjelset, Ann Merete; Holmin, Arne Johannes; Höffle, Hannes; Johannesen, Edda; Jørgensen, Lis Lindal; Levsen, Arne; Skaret, Georg; Solvang, Hiroko Kato; Storesund, Julia Endresen; Strand, Espen; Vee, Ida; Vollen, Tone; Wienerroither, Rupert; Windsland, Kristin; Zimmermann, Fabian; Øien, Nils Inge (Rapport fra havforskningen;2024 - 34, Research report, 2024)An effort to streamline the survey activity at the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) was initiated by the IMR leadership in December 2022. The purpose of this exercise is to balance the costs of the total cruise effort ... -
Understanding source terms of anthropogenic uranium in the Arctic Ocean – First 236U and 233U dataset in Barents Sea sediments
Qiao, Jixin; Heldal, Hilde Elise; Steier, Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This work reports the first dataset of 236U and 233U in sediment cores taken from the Barents Sea, with the aim to better understand the source terms of anthropogenic uranium in the Arctic region. Concentrations of 236U ... -
Vi må overvåke livet i havet
Heldal, Hilde Elise; Ådlandsvik, Bjørn (Chronicle, 2011-03-22)