Browsing Brage IMR by Document Types "Chapter"
Now showing items 1-20 of 43
Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.: food utilization, protein growth efficiency and maturation
(Chapter, 2014)Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., is an anadromous carnivore living in fresh water during the first year(s) of life and migrating to the sea after smoltification. The early life period in fresh water and the first sea winter ... -
Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.: genetic variations in protein metabolism and growth
(Chapter, 2014)Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., is an anadromous species living in fresh water during the first year(s) of life until it smolts, and later in the sea from post-smolts until maturation before returning to fresh water to ... -
Cold Temperate Coral Habitats
(Chapter, 2018) -
The Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey – Monitoring plankton in the Nordic Sea
(Chapter, 2018)The warm-temperate calanoid copepod Calanus helgolandicus is becoming more common in the Nordic Seas with high records in 2016, which continued into 2017. The Pacific diatom Neodenticula seminae (an indicator of trans-Arctic ... -
Decline and Recovery of Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) Stocks throughout the North Atlantic
(Chapter, 2008)Many stocks of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) on both sides of the North Atlantic are currently at much reduced levels of biomass, but this situation is not in all instances the result of long, continuous decline. Most Northwest ... -
Decline and Recovery of Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) Stocks throughout the North Atlantic
(Chapter, 2008)Many stocks of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) on both sides of the North Atlantic are currently at much reduced levels of biomass, but this situation is not in all instances the result of long, continuous decline. Most Northwest ... -
Ecotoxicological Impacts of Micro- and Nanoplastics in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments
(Chapter, 2021)Plastic pollution is a widespread environmental problem that is currently one of the most discussed issues by scientists, policymakers and society at large. The potential ecotoxicological effects of plastic particles in a ... -
Feedbacks from Filter Feeders: Review on the Role of Mussels in Cycling and Storage of Nutrients in Oligo- Meso- and Eutrophic Cultivation Areas
(Chapter, 2019)Cultured and wild bivalve stocks provide ecosystem services through regulation of nutrient dynamics; both by regeneration of nutrients that become available again for phytoplankton production (positive feedback), and by ... -
(Havets ressurser og miljø, Chapter, 2007) -
(Havets ressurser og miljø, Chapter, 2007)Fish from the Barents Sea contains low levels of persistent organic contaminants like PCB, DDT, HCH and Toxafen in fatty tissue such as liver. Levels of radionuclides in sediments are very low, but are traced in all ... -
Fysikk (sirkulasjon, vannmasser og klima)
(Havets ressurser og miljø, Chapter, 2007)The temperatures in the Barents Sea were very high during 2006. The inflow of Atlantic water was both warmer and stronger than earlier, and there has never been observed less ice than in the winter of 2006. The years ... -
(Havets ressurser og miljø, Chapter, 2007)The Northeast Atlantic stocks of harp seals are commercially exploited by Norway and Russia. The stocks are assessed every second year by the Joint ICES/NAFO Working Group on Harp and Hooded Seals. The assessments are ... -
Hav (bunn og pelagisk)
(DN-utredning;3-2010, Chapter, 2010-09-23)I en ny undersøkelse av global marin biodiversitet er det vist at det i østre Atlanterhavet er registrert 12 270 ulike arter; 28 % planteplankton og storalger, 18 % krepsdyr, 13 % børstemark, 11 % bløtdyr, mens fisk utgjør ... -
Herring tilt angles, measured through target tracking
(Report / Alaska Sea Grant College Program, Chapter, 2001)The target strength of herring in captivity was monitored experimentally at three frequencies (18, 38, and 120 kHz) over a period of 3 years using split-beam echo sounders. One of the fundamental parameters of a target ... -
Ice Formation in Norwegian Fjords – Findings from the 2018 - 2019 Field Season
(Chapter, 2020)Understanding ice conditions in fjords is imperative to ensure safe operations and to protect the surrounding environment. Seven fjords in northern Norway were visited in March 2019, six with significant ice cover. In each ... -
Introduction to Cultural Services
(Chapter, 2019)Cultural services of marine bivalves are of high value as they provide well-being in many different ways. These services are more difficult to quantify but provide a lot of qualities. Shell collectioning, shells as archives, ... -
Introduction to Provisioning Services
(Chapter, 2019)Food provisioning is a prominent feature of marine bivalve production, applicable worldwide since ancient times. Easy accessibility of this food source and high nutritional value make bivalves a possible driver in human ... -
Introduction to Regulating Services
(Chapter, 2019)Bivalves are foundation species with important regulating functions in the ecosystem. This is due to their function as filter feeders, their capacity to extract particles, to regenerate as well as store nutrients and – for ... -
Kystvann (bunn og pelagisk)
(DN-utredning;3-2010, Chapter, 2010-09-23)Norge har en kystlinje på ca. 2500 km målt langs den såkalte grunnlinjen fra svenskegrensen til Grense Jakobselv. Grunnlinjen trekkes mellom ytterpunktene på landformasjoner som stikker opp over vannflaten. Målt langs land ... -
Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals for Marine and Coastal Management in Norway: A Venture Overdue.
(Chapter, 2022)Meeting global challenges requires regional and local alignment of institutional and business practices. The purpose of our work is to understand, using qualitative systems analysis, how the Sustainable Development Goals ...