Browsing Brage IMR by Subject "zooplankton"
Now showing items 1-20 of 92
Abundance and productivity of the pelagic ecosystem along a transect across the northern Mid Atlantic Ridge in June 2003
(ICES CM documents;2008/C:12, Working paper, 2008)A research cruise was conducted into the Irminger Sea west and southwest of Iceland on the Icelandic vessel Árni Friðriksson, from 4-30 June 2003, investigating redfish, Sebastes mentella, other pelagic fishes, zooplankton, ... -
Acoustic abundance estimation of midwater animals
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1999) -
Acoustic backscatter from zooplankton and fish explored through an optimized model framework
(ICES CM Documents;2004/R:39, Working paper, 2004)The purpose of this work has been to test complementary methods in order to classify marine organisms, with particularly attention to zooplankton and fish. Algorithms to separate fish and zooplankton have been developed ... -
Acoustic estimation of size distribution and abundance of zooplankton
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1986)A series of investigations were undertaken to observe and describe the sound backscattering process from larger zooplankton (euphausiids). The target strength versus frequency, size, and aspect angle of the organism was ... -
Acoustic scattering models of zooplankton
(Others, 1991) -
Broadband echo spectra from euphausiids and copepods
(Others, 2000) -
Can predator avoidance explain varying overwintering depth of Calanus in different oceanic water masses?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1999-04-15)Distributions of overwintering Calanus spp. in the upper 1000 m in the Norwegian and Greenland Seas were studied in relation to hydrography, invertebrate predators and acoustic scattering layers (38 kHz). C, finmarchicus ... -
Correcting for underestimation of microzooplankton grazing in bottle incubation experiments with mesozooplankton
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2001-10-18)Bottle incubation experiments are widely used in mesozooplankton grazing studies. However, we have shown here that traditional particle removal experiments with Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus as grazers on ... -
Density in sub-arctic zooplankton
(ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1985)Seasonal variations in specific density were measured for Thysanoessa inermis, Thysanoessa raschii, Meganyctiphanes norvegica, Calanus finmarchicus and Calanus hyperboreus. The density of a 20 mm T. inermis was lowest in ... -
Direct and indirect climate forcing in a multi-species marine system
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-10)Interactions within and between species complicate quantification of climate effects, by causing indirect, often delayed, effects of climate fluctuations and compensation of mortality. Here we identify direct and indirect ... -
Distribution of bioluminescence and plankton in a deep Norwegian fjord measured using an ISIT camera and the Digital Underwater Video Profiler
(ICES CM documents;2007/F:02, Working paper, 2007)Bioluminescence and plankton profiles were obtained using a downward-looking ISIT low-light camera and the Underwater Video Profiler system in Sognefjord, Norway. The profiling systems were lowered by CTD wire and recorded ... -
Distribution of herring (Clupea harengus) and zooplankton in the Norwegian Sea, as determined from generalised additive models
(ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2005)We analyse the variability in the distribution and feeding of the Norwegian spring-spawning herring in the period from 1995 to 2004, using survey data collected throughout the Norwegian Sea each year in May - June. The ... -
Dyreplankton i Barentshavet biomasse-variasjoner 1979 - 1994
(Fisken og havet, Research report, 1995)The capelin fisheries has until recently been a very important commercial fishery in the Barents Sea. The capelin stock has showed large fluctuations, with a size of about 4-7 mill. tons in 1973-1980 before the collapse ... -
Dyreplankton og dets reproduksjon i Barentshavet - grunnlagsmateriale for vurdering av mulige skader av oljesøl
(Rapport/Notat Biologisk og kjemisk oseanografi;BKO 8707, Working paper, 1987-12-01)Rapporten gir datagrunnlag for en vurdering av konsekvensene av oljesøl for næringsgrunnlaget for fisk. Horisontalfordeling, gytetidspunkt og gyteadferd hos dyreplankton og vertikalfordeling av egg og larver er beskrevet. ... -
Effects of mortality changes on biomass and production in Calanus spp. populations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-04-28)Calanus species are the main link between primary producers and higher trophic-level organisms in the Barents Sea. The natural mortality rate is an essential parameter for determining the standing stock of Calanus, but it ... -
Effects of turbulence on the predation cycle of fish larvae: comments on some of the issues
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1996-08-29) -
Effekter av olje på marine organismer - særlig på fiskelarvens første næringsopptak
(Fisken og havet, Research report, 1995)Det rapporteres eksperimentelle data om effekter av vannløselige komponenter av råolje (WSF) på organismer fra Norskehavet og Barentshavet: voksen polartosk, egg og larver av torsk, hoppekreps, krill og arktiske krepsdyr ... -
Enhancing stock-recruitment models for North Sea cod by including climate and zooplankton
(ICES CM documents;2009/C:08, Working paper, 2009)The “recruitment problem” - trying to understand what regulates recruitment variability in marine fish populations - has been the number one issue in fisheries science since the early twentieth century. Intuitively, the ... -
Environmental toxicology: Population modeling of cod larvae shows high sensitivity to loss of zooplankton prey
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-12-30)Two factors determine whether pollution is likely to affect a population indirectly through loss of prey: firstly, the sensitivity of the prey to the pollutants, and secondly, the sensitivity of the predator population to ...