Browsing Brage IMR by Subject "bait"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Agnforbruket i det norske linefisket: en analyse av årsakene til variasjonen i anvendelsen av de ulike agntypene
(Rapport fra Havforskningen;Nr. 24–2013, Working paper, 2013) -
Catfish - King of the sea
(ICES CM Documents;1995/B:16, Working paper, 1995)During an acoustic tagging experiment on cod in the Barents Sea in March 1995 a hierarchy between different fish species was revealed, and the catfish (Anarhichas sp.) was observed to be dominant in relation to cod and ... -
Effect of attractant distribution on catch rate and size selection of Norway lobster caught by pots
(ICES CM Documents;1991/B:45, Working paper, 1991)In comparative fishing trials with Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) pots, the attractant property of an aqueous extract of mackerel was tested against that of natural mackerel bait. The catch rate of the natural ... -
Effect of different long-line baits (mackerel, squid) on catch rates and selectivity for tusk and ling
(ICES CM Documents;1983/B:31, Working paper, 1983) -
Effects of near-bottom currents on the distribution of olfactory stimuli (smell) from baits
(ICES CM Documents;1983/B:3, Working paper, 1983) -
Factors affecting catch of long lines, evaluated by simulation model of long line fishing
(ICES CM Documents;1983/B:4, Working paper, 1983) -
Fishing experiments with an alternative longline bait based on nylon bags
(ICES CM Documents;1987/B:19, Working paper, 1987)This report describes two fishing trials using an alternative longline bait, one in the fishery for torsk and ling, the other in the fishery for cod and haddock. A bait based on fine-meshed nylon bags as reinforcement ... -
Fiske etter torsk (Gadus morhua), lange (Molva molva) og brosme (Brosme brosme) med tokammerteiner langs norskekysten
(Fisken og havet, Research report, 2003)Several experiments using two-chamber pots have been performed; comparing two-chamber pots with other commercial pots, and comparing two-chamber pots to a bottom long line. Earlier experiments with different types of bait, ... -
Improved catch rates and selection of Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus L.) by controlled release of fluid bait extract in pot fishing
(ICES CM Documents;1992/B:14, Working paper, 1992)The effect of controlled release of fluid mackerel extract as bait in Norway lobster pots was tested in comparative fishing trials. Compared with natural mackerel bait, pots with extract release rates above 6 ml/h had ... -
Kunnskapsbasis for utvikling av alternative lineagn: fiskeatferd, sanseapparat og egenskaper ved agnet
(Rapport fra Havforskningen;Nr. 12-2013, Working paper, 2013)Kunnskap om fiskens atferd når den søker etter mat er avgjørende for arbeid som skal forbedre linefisket og ikke minst for utviklingen av nye agntyper. Dette er en oversikt over det vi vet om hvordan fisk får teften av og ... -
Longline: Full scale trials with new hook designs and reduced size of bait
(ICES CM Documents;1983/B:32, Working paper, 1983) -
Reactions of cod (Gadus morhua L.) to smell stimuli from bait
(ICES CM Documents;1974/F:40, Working paper, 1974) -
Report of the Ad Hoc Group on Artificial Bait and Bait Attraction [Bergen, 28 -31 May, 1985]
(ICES CM Documents;1985/B:31, Working paper, 1985) -
Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Artificial Bait and Bait Attractance [Hirtshals, Denmark, 2 -4 May, 1984]
(ICES CM Documents;1984/B:7, Working paper, 1984) -
Synergistic effects of different baits on the same hook in the longline fishery for hake (Merluccius merluccius) and torsk (Brosme brosme)
(ICES CM Documents;1987/B:39, Working paper, 1987)The effects of a combination of different baits on the same hook were tested in two different situations. A bait combination of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and mackerel (Scomber scombrus) was used to catch hake (Merluccius ...