Blar i Brage IMR på forfatter "Aarefjord, Hilde"
Harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in Norwegian waters
Bjørge, Arne; Aarefjord, Hilde; Kaarstad, Sølvi; Kleivane, Lars; Øien, Nils (ICES CM Documents;1991/N:16, Working paper, 1991)Recordings made on the Norwegian Sighting Survey 1988 and the North Atlantic Sighting Survey 1988 (NASS-89) indicate a divided off shore distribution during summer for harbour porpoises in Norwegian waters, with a southern ... -
Helhetlig forvaltningsplan for Norskehavet : forslag til indikatorer, referanseverdier og tiltaksgrenser til samordnet overvåkingssystem for økosystemets tilstand
Dommasnes, Are; van der Meeren, Gro; Aarefjord, Hilde (Fisken og havet, Research report, 2008)The Norwegian Government has initiated a process towards an integrated management plan for the Norwegian Sea. This report is part of the background documentation for the management plan. 48 indicators have been proposed, ...