Browsing Brage IMR by Author "Føyn, Lars"
Now showing items 21-40 of 41
Nitrogen- og fosfor-omsetningen i Indre Oslofjord 1967 - 1968. Registrert i Brage IMR med tillatelse av forfatter.
Føyn, Lars (Master thesis, 1970) -
Noen marine radiologiske problemer ved etablering av kjernekraftverk ved Oslofjorden
Føyn, Lars (Fisken og havet - Serie B, Working paper, 1973) -
Oil exploration in new offshore fields. Fish larvae as the critical component in the assessment of potential consequenses for the fish resources
Føyn, Lars; Serigstad, Bjørn (ICES CM Documents;1988/E:18, Working paper, 1988)The effects of oil and other pollutants on fish larvae are depending both on species and age/weight/length of the larvae. Critical factors in an assessment of consequenses of oil activities on fish resources are both ... -
Radioactive contamination in the Barents Sea, past and present status, uptake of radinuclides in fish and its impact on fisheries
Føyn, Lars (ICES CM Documents;1994/E:16, Working paper, 1994)During the atmospheric nuclear bomb test at the end of the fifties and in the beginning of the sixties the Institute of Marine Research, IMR, monitored the radioactive contamination in commercial landed fish from the ... -
Rapport om oppblomstringen av Chrysochromulina polylepis i mai-juni 1988. Overvåkning, varsling, oppfølgende tiltak
Berge, Grim; Føyn, Lars (Report, 1988-07-14) -
Report on a cruise by the R/V "G. O. Sars" to West Africa 23 October - 15 December 1972
Østvedt, Ole Johan; Blindheim, Johan; Føyn, Lars; Berge, Grim; Smedstad, Odd M.; Vestnes, Gudmund (ICES CM Documents;1973/J:23, Working paper, 1973) -
SKAGEX 1990. Preliminary results from the nutrient intercalibration
Føyn, Lars (ICES CM Documents;1990/C:44, Working paper, 1990)An important part of SKAGEX 1990 was the nutrient intercalibration, which was performed to simulate ordinary work at sea. 44 water samples of 0,5 liter were delivered to each of the 13 participating research vessels in ... -
SKAGEX The Skagerrak experiment
Føyn, Lars (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1999)This report is a collection of technical reports with data from SKAGEX and presentations from the SKAGEX Workshop in Lysekil, Sweden, in November 1992. -
Stimulated growth and safeguarding of the ICES oceanographic data bank
Carlberg, Stig R.; Føyn, Lars (ICES CM Documents;1988/C:16, Working paper, 1988)During a number of years there has been a consent to build up and increase the ICES oceanographic data base to the benefit of the member countries. In parallel to this there has been an increasing demand for ICES to ... -
Strategies in assessment of potential oil pollution effects on the fish resources
Føyn, Lars; Bjørke, Herman (ICES CM Documents;1986/E:34, Working paper, 1986) -
The sunken nuclear submarine in the Norwegian Sea - A potential environmental problem?
Blindheim, Johan; Føyn, Lars; Martinsen, E.A.; Svendsen, Einar; Sætre, Roald (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1994)On 7 April 1989 the Soviet nuclear submarine "Komsomolets" sank in the Norwegian Sea about 185 km southwest of the Bear Island at bottom depth of about 1700 m. Potential sources of radioactive contamination are the reactor ... -
The effects of oil-base drilling mud and crude oil on demersal fish eggs
Serigstad, Bjørn; Sværen, Ingrid; Føyn, Lars (ICES CM Documents;1988/E:19, Working paper, 1988)The Norwegian spring spawning herring and the Barents Sea capelin both with demersal eggs, spawn in relative small and concentrated areas on the Norwegian continental shelf. Besides potential impact on the fish resources ... -
The use of nutrient distribution in the North Sea in explaining the dynamics of the different watermasses
Føyn, Lars (ICES CM Documents;1986/C:25, Working paper, 1986) -
Toktrapport [3/3 - 30/3, 1980]
Føyn, Lars; Iversen, Svein A. ([Toktrapport/Havforskningsinstituttet];, Working paper, 1980-07-28) -
Toktrapport [30/11 - 10/12, 1980]
Føyn, Lars; Lahn-Johannessen, John ([Toktrapport/Havforskningsinstituttet];, Working paper, 1980-06-19) -
Toktrapport [30/11 - 19/12, 1983]
Føyn, Lars ([Toktrapport/Havforskningsinstituttet];, Working paper, 1984-01-25) -
Toktrapport [4/11 - 28/11, 1980]
Lahn-Johannessen, John; Føyn, Lars ([Toktrapport/Havforskningsinstituttet];, Working paper, 1981-02-04) -
Toktrapport [6/3 - 8/4, 1979]
Føyn, Lars; Iversen, Svein A.; Sætre, Roald ([Toktrapport/Havforskningsinstituttet];, Working paper, 1979-05-30) -
Toktrapport [8/8 - 15/8, 1977]
Føyn, Lars ([Toktrapport/Havforskningsinstituttet];, Working paper, 1977-08-08) -
Undersøkelser i Nordsjøen, Skagerrak og Kattegat i 1977
Føyn, Lars; Iversen, Svein A.; Lahn-Johannessen, John; Ljøen, Rikard (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1978)This report concerns seven surveys made during the period 9 February - 15 December 1977. The development of characteristic features of the physical environment throughout the year is demonstrated. Primary production is ...