Browsing Brage IMR by Author "Skjoldal, Hein Rune"
Now showing items 1-20 of 66
Abundance and biomass of copepods and cladocerans in Atlantic and Arctic domains of the Barents Sea ecosystem
Skjoldal, Hein Rune; Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Zooplankton in the Barents Sea have been monitored annually with a standard procedure with determination of size-fractioned biomass since the mid-1980s. Biomass of copepods and cladocerans was estimated based on measured ... -
Abundance, maturity and growth of the krill species Thysanoessa inermis and T. longicaudata the Barents Sea
Dalpadado, Padmini; Skjoldal, Hein Rune (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1996-12-05)Thysanoessa inermis and T. longicaudata were the dominant krill species observed in the western and central Barents Sea between 1984 and 1992. Both species are typically boreal and subarctic, and were found in very low ... -
Acoustic visualization of large scale macroplankton and micronekton distributions across the Norwegian shelf and slope of the Norwegian Sea.
Melle, Webjørn; Kaartvedt, Stein; Knutsen, Tor; Dalpadado, Padmini; Skjoldal, Hein Rune (ICES CM Documents;1993/L:44, Working paper, 1993)We present results from acoustical (38 kHz split beam) surveys, biological sampling (trawling, zooplankton nets), and measurements of physical parameters (salinity, temperature, currents) across and along the shelf ... -
Caught in broad daylight: Topographic constraints of zooplankton depth distributions
Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth; Aksnes, Dag Lorents; Opdal, Anders Frugård; Skjoldal, Hein Rune; Fiksen, Øyvind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)For visual predators, sufficient light is critical for prey detection and capture. Because light decays exponentially with depth in aquatic systems, vertical movement has become a widespread strategy among zooplankton for ... -
Climate effects on temporal and spatial dynamics of phytoplankton and zooplankton in the Barents Sea
Dalpadado, Padmini; Arrigo, Kevin R.; van Dijken, Gert L.; Skjoldal, Hein Rune; Bagøien, Espen; Dolgov, Andrey V.; Prokopchuk, Irina P.; Sperfeld, Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Consumption of silicic acid below the euphotic zone by sedimenting diatom blooms in the Barents Sea
Rey, Francisco; Skjoldal, Hein Rune (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1987-03-23)Massive sedimentation of spring phytoplankton blooms occurs in the Barents Sea as in many other shelf sea environments. Associated with this sedimentation there is a large decrease in concentration of dissolved shcic ... -
Contribution of Calanus to the mesozooplankton biomass in the Barents Sea
Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth; Skjoldal, Hein Rune; Dalpadado, Padmini; Skern-Mauritzen, Mette (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
A deep scattering layer under the North Pole pack ice
Snoeijs-Leijonmalm, Pauline; Gjøsæter, Harald; Ingvaldsen, Randi Brunvær; Knutsen, Tor; Korneliussen, Rolf; Ona, Egil; Skjoldal, Hein Rune; Stranne, Christian; Mayer, Larry; Jakobsson, Martin; Gårdfeldt, Katarina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The 3.3 million km2 marine ecosystem around the North Pole, defined as the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO), is a blind spot on the map of the world’s fish stocks. The CAO essentially comprises the permanently ice-covered deep ... -
Diel variations in photosynthetic activity of summer phytoplankton in Lindåspollene, western Norway
Erga, Svein Rune; Skjoldal, Hein Rune (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1990-07-19)Diel patterns in photosynthesis of natural phytoplankton were studied during a 5 d period during midsummer in Lindbspollene, a land-locked fjord of western Norway. Samples were taken from depths of 0.5, 5, 10 and 21 m ... -
Diet and trophic structure of fishes in the Barents Sea: the Norwegian-Russian program “Year of stomachs” 2015 - establishing a baseline
Eriksen, Elena; Benzik, Aleksander N.; Dolgov, Andrey V.; Skjoldal, Hein Rune; Vihtakari, Mikko Juhani; Johannesen, Edda; Prokhorova, Tatiana; Keulder-Stenevik, Felicia Juanita; Prokopchuk, Irina; Strand, Espen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)There is a long history of investigations of fish diet in the Barents Sea. The focus has been on commercially important fish species and their food consumption, while diet and interactions of other fishes have been studied ... -
Distribution and life cycle of krill north of 73° N in the Barents Sra
Dalpadado, Padmini; Skjoldal, Hein Rune (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1995)Thysanoessa inermis and T. longicaudata were the dominant krill species whereas T. raschii and Meganyctiphanes norvegica were seldom observed in the western and central Barents Sea during 1984 to 1992. None of the krill ... -
Distribution and life history of themisti (Amphipoda) spp., north of 73°N in the Barents Sea
Dalpadado, Padmini; Borkner, Nina; Skjoldal, Hein Rune (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1994)Two dominant hyperiid amphipod species were found in the western and central Barents Sea, Themisto abyssonun and T. libellula. T. abyssona was predominant in the boreal and subarctic waters, T. libellula in the Arctic ... -
Dyreplankton og dets reproduksjon i Barentshavet - grunnlagsmateriale for vurdering av mulige skader av oljesøl
Melle, Webjørn; Skjoldal, Hein Rune (Rapport/Notat Biologisk og kjemisk oseanografi;BKO 8707, Working paper, 1987-12-01)Rapporten gir datagrunnlag for en vurdering av konsekvensene av oljesøl for næringsgrunnlaget for fisk. Horisontalfordeling, gytetidspunkt og gyteadferd hos dyreplankton og vertikalfordeling av egg og larver er beskrevet. ... -
Ecological investigations in the Barents Sea, August 1985. Report from Pro Mare-cruise no. 5
Loeng, Harald; Hassel, Arne; Rey, Francisco; Skjoldal, Hein Rune; Kristiansen, Svein; Farbrot, Tove; Hewes, C.D.; Chamberlin, W.S.; Thingstad, T.F.; Enger. Ø.; Skjoldal, E.F.; Dale, T.; Wassmann, P. (Rapport/Notat Fysisk oseanografi;FO 8605, Working paper, 1986-01-31)Between 29 July and 19 August 1985, the R/V "G.O.Sars" carried out investigations in the northern Barents Sea. The cruise was organized by the Institute of Marine Research (IMR). The main purpose was to carry out ... -
Eutrophication and algal growth in the North Sea. In: Symposium Mediterranean Seas 2000
Skjoldal, Hein Rune (Conference object, 1993)The North Sea is a shallow shelf sea with an area of 0.6 million km^2, surrounded by densely populated land areas. The general water circulation is counter-clockwise, and an annua1 freshwater input of 400 km^3 results ... -
Feeding and migration of Norwegian spring spawning herring in the Norwegian Sea
Melle, Webjørn; Røttingen, Ingolf; Skjoldal, Hein Rune (ICES CM Documents;1994/R:9, Working paper, 1994)After spawning on the shelf off Møre, Western Norway, the spawning stock of Norwegian spring spawning herring migrates to the Norwegian Sea for feeding. Simultaneously, the adolescent part of the stock leaves the wintering ... -
A Framework for Communicating Qualities of Indicators
Hauge, Kjellrun Hiis; Heldal, Hilde Elise; Olsen, Erik; Skjoldal, Hein Rune (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2003)There is a growing focus on ecosystem-based indicators and what qualities they need to satisfy. However, the qualities and the characteristics of the already existing indicators vary substantially. Due to both scientific ... -
A global movement toward an ecosystem approach to management of marine resources
Sherman, K.; Sissenwine, M.; Christensen, V.; Duda, A.; Hempel, G.; Ibe, C.; Levin, S.; Lluch-Belda, D.; Matishov, G.; McGlade, J.; O’Toole, M.; Seitzinger, S.; Serra, R.; Skjoldal, Hein Rune; Tang, Q.; Thulin, J.; Vandeweerd, V.; Zwanenburg, K. (Others, 2005-09-16) -
Growth of capelin in relation to zooplankton biomass in the Barents Sea
Gjøsæter, Harald; Skjoldal, Hein Rune; Hassel, Arne (ICES CM Documents;1995/P:5, Working paper, 1995)Growth of capelin in the Barents Sea stock has been found to vary considerably both between years and between different parts of the distribution area. The aim of this paper is to compare such growth variations with ... -
Hav (bunn og pelagisk)
van der Meeren, Gro; Lorentsen, Svein-Håkon; Skjoldal, Hein Rune (DN-utredning;3-2010, Chapter, 2010-09-23)I en ny undersøkelse av global marin biodiversitet er det vist at det i østre Atlanterhavet er registrert 12 270 ulike arter; 28 % planteplankton og storalger, 18 % krepsdyr, 13 % børstemark, 11 % bløtdyr, mens fisk utgjør ...