Recent Submissions

  • Creating better internships by understanding mentor challenges: findings from a series of focus groups 

    Schneider, Joel R.; Aaby, Truls; Boessenkool, Sanne; Eriksen, Emma Falkeid; Holtermann, Kristin; Martens, Iver; Soule, Jonathan; Steele, Ariel; Zazzera, Susanne; van der Meeren, Gro Ingleid; Velle, Gaute; Cotner, Sehoya Harris; Lane, A. Kelly (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Despite demands to make higher education more relevant beyond academia, and a growing body of work testifying to the benefits of work-relevance programs (e.g., work-placements, or internships) for both students and the ...
  • Changes in prey-predator interactions in an Arctic food web under climate change 

    Dupont, Nicolas; Durant, Joël; Langangen, Øystein Ole Gahr; Stige, Leif Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Global warming affects marine ecosystems by changing environmental conditions, ecosystem structure, and ecosystem functioning. In parts of the Arctic, increased sea temperature and decreased sea ice have led to a poleward ...
  • Joint Norwegian-Russian monitoring of 0-group fish on autumn surveys in the Barents Sea, 1965-2023 

    Eriksen, Elena; Skjoldal, Hein Rune; Prozorkevich, Dmitry; Gjøsæter, Harald (IMR/PINRO Joint Report Series;2024 - 15, Research report, 2024)
    A joint Norwegian-Russian survey of 0-group fish (here defined as fish hatched earlier in the same calendar year) in the Barents Sea was started in September 1965 with the motivation to provide initial information on year ...
  • Toktrapport fra reketoktet i Skagerrak og Norskerenna 2024 — Reketoktet i Skagerrak og Norskerenna 2024 

    Søvik, Guldborg; Zimmermann, Fabian; Olsen, Siri Aaserud; Thangstad, Trude Hauge (Toktrapport;2024 - 22, Research report, 2024)
    Havforskningsinstituttet (HI) har siden 1984 gjennomført en årlig bunntrålundersøkelse for dypvannsreke (Pandalus borealis) i Skagerrak og Norskerenna, for å overvåke rekebestanden og samle inn data om utbredelse, biomasse, ...
  • Risiko knyttet til gyting i merd hos oppdrettstorsk ulike deler av året 

    van der Meeren, Terje; Alix, Maud; Asplin, Lars; Falkenhaug, Tone (Rapport fra havforskningen;2024 - 60, Research report, 2024)
    En gjennomgang av kunnskapen knyttet til gyting i merd hos oppdrettstorsk viser at temperatur er en sentral faktor for å kunne vurdere miljørisiko. Atlantisk torsk er utbredt på begge sider av Atlanterhavet, og innenfor ...
  • Liste over forvaltningsrelevante naturenheter - Oppfølgende informasjon til rapporten "Forvaltningsrelevante naturenheter i sjø" 

    Marquez, Jonatan Fredricson; van der Meeren, Gro Ingleid; van der Meeren, Terje; Albretsen, Jon; Ross, Rebecca; Steen, Henning; Norderhaug, Kjell Magnus; Halvorsen, Kim Aleksander Tallaksen; Mortensen, Stein; Knutsen, Halvor; Thormar, Jonas; Jorde, Per Erik; Juliussen, Elisabeth Helene; Kroglund, Tone; Freitas, Carla; Søvik, Guldborg; Kutti, Tina; Naustvoll, Lars Johan; Skern-Mauritzen, Mette; Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth; Moland, Even; Franzè, Gayantonia; Berg, Florian; Grefsrud, Ellen Sofie; Zimmermann, Fabian; Johannesen, Edda; Langhelle, Erlend; Midtun, Halvard Aas; Godiksen, Jane Aanestad; Fall, Johanna Jennifer Elisabeth; Skjæraasen, Jon Egil; Korsbrekke, Knut; Aune, Magnus; Grønnevik, Sigmund; Buhl-Mortensen, Pål; Berg, Erik; Nedreaas, Kjell Harald; Wienerroither, Rupert; Huserbråten, Mats Brockstedt Olsen; Kvamme, Cecilie; Johnsen, Espen; Arneberg, Per; Espeland, Sigurd Heiberg (Rapport fra havforskningen;2024 - 53, Research report, 2024)
    I forbindelse med forvaltningens oppgave om å lage en framtidig samlet offentlig instruks for kartlegging av marin natur, bestilte fiskeridirektoratet i en oversikt over der havforskningsinstituttet ville foreslå som ...
  • Fysisk oseanografiske forhold i produksjonsområdene for akvakultur - — Oppdatering september 2024 

    Albretsen, Jon; Asplin, Lars; Sandvik, Anne Dagrun; Jensen, Mari Fjalstad; Skardhamar, Jofrid (Rapport fra havforskningen;2024 - 51, Research report, 2024)
    Temperaturforholdene i 2024 har delt landet i to. I produksjonsområdene 1-7, dvs. fra Sørlandet til Nord-Trøndelag, har vinteren hatt omtrent normale temperaturer, mens det ble raskt varmt i mai pga. den varme værtypen. ...
  • Modellert påvirkning av lakselus på vill laksefisk i 2024 

    Jensen, Mari Fjalstad; Sandvik, Anne Dagrun; Sævik, Pål Næverlid; Skardhamar, Jofrid (Rapport fra havforskningen;2024 - 50, Research report, 2024)
    I denne rapporten presenteres Havforskningsinstituttets modellprodukter til Trafikklysvurderingen; modellert smittepress og påslag av lus på utvandrende postsmolt langs hele norskekysten. Modellproduktene er ment å bli ...
  • Lakselusinfestasjon på vill laksefisk langs Norskekysten i 2024 — Sluttrapport til Mattilsynet 

    Karlsen, Ørjan; Serra Llinares, Rosa Maria; Nilsen, Rune; Harvey, Alison C.; Wennevik, Vidar (Rapport fra havforskningen;2024 - 49, Research report, 2024)
    Smittepresset av lakselus på vill laksefisk i fjordene og langs kysten overvåkes ved tråling av utvandrende postsmolt laks, fangst av sjøørret og sjørøye i ruser og garn samt ved bruk av smolt i vaktbur. Postsmolttråling ...
  • Trophic interactions between common minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and their prey during summer in the northern Barents Sea 

    Haug, Tore; Biuw, Martin; Kovacs, Kit M.; Lindblom, Lotta; Lindstrøm, Ulf Ove; Lydersen, Christian; MacKenzie, Kirsteen; Meier, Sonnich (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Global warming is causing rapid change in marine food webs, particularly at northern latitudes where temperatures are increasing most rapidly. In this study, the diet of common minke whales Balaenoptera acutorostrata was ...
  • Genetic analyses verify sexually mature escaped farmed Atlantic cod and farmed cod eggs in the natural environment 

    Jorde, Per Erik; van der Meeren, Terje; Quintela, Maria; Dahle, Geir; Mateos-Rivera, Alejandro; Aase, Marit; Norberg, Birgitta; Sævik, Pål Næverlid; Bjørn, Pål Arne; Glover, Kevin Alan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Elucidating the effects of domesticated organisms escaping into the natural environment represents a topic of importance in both evolutionary and conservation biology. However, when excluding the abundant data on salmonids, ...
  • Possible transport routes of IgM to the gut of teleost fish 

    Etayo, Angela; Bjørgen, Håvard; Hordvik, Ivar; Øvergård, Aina-Cathrine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Fish rely on mucosal surfaces as their first defence barrier against pathogens. Maintaining mucosal homeostasis is therefore crucial for their overall well-being, and it is likely that secreted immunoglobulins (sIg) play ...
  • The International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List does not account for intraspecific diversity 

    Norderhaug, Kjell Magnus; Knutsen, Halvor; Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Sodeland, Marte; Jorde, Per Erik; Wernberg, Thomas; Oomen, Rebekah Alice; Moland, Even (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List identifies threatened and endangered species and is a key instrument in global biodiversity conservation efforts. Our understanding of the structure and ...
  • The long-lived deep-sea bivalve Acesta excavata is sensitive to the dual stressors of sediment and warming 

    Scanes, Elliot; Kutti, Tina; Fang, James K.H.; Johnston, Emma L.; Ross, Pauline M.; Bannister, Raymond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Human influence in the deep-sea is increasing as mining and drilling operations expand, and waters warm because of climate change. Here, we investigate how the long-lived deep-sea bivalve, Acesta excavata responds to ...
  • Coastal alterations influence deep water renewal in Norwegian sill fjords 

    Johnsen, Ingrid A.; Loeng, Harald Ole; Myksvoll, Mari Skuggedal (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Recent observations have heightened concerns that the reduced density of coastal water is leading to a decrease in the frequency of basin water renewal in Norwegian sill fjords. There are indications that coastal water is ...
  • A holo-omics analysis shows how sugar kelp can boost gut health in Atlantic salmon 

    Rasmussen, Jacob A.; Bernhard, Annette; Lecaudey, Laurene Alicia; Kale, Varsha; Baldi, Germana; Myrmel, Lene Secher; Hansen, Martin; Brealey, Jaelle C.; Mak, Sarah S.T.; Nielsen, Ida B.; Richardson, Lorna; Madsen, Lise; Kristiansen, Karsten; Gilbert, M. Thomas P.; Martin, Michael David; Finn, Robert D.; Sveier, Harald; Limborg, Morten T. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    The projected growth of Aquaculture requires continuous optimisation of feeding regimes, especially in enhancing disease resilience through immunostimulating feed supplements. Seaweed has been introduced as a promising ...
  • Freshwater history influences farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) performance in seawater 

    Lai, Floriana; Rønnestad, Ivar; Budaev, Sergei; Balseiro Vigo, Pablo; Gelebart, Virginie; Pinto Pedrosa, Cindy; Stevnebø, Anita; Haugarvoll, Erlend; Korsøen, Øyvind Johan; Tangen, Kasper Løberg; Folkedal, Ole; Handeland, Sigurd Olav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    The quality of smolts is one of the key factors for successful salmon production. We compared growth performance, physiological traits, and environmental adaptation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) after transfer into a ...
  • Environmental variables and bottom trawling effort affect the complexity and distribution of soft-bottom octocorals and burrowing megafauna communities in the Gulf of Cádiz 

    Lozano, Pablo; Gonzalez-Mirelis, Genoveva; Rueda, José Luis; Ross, Rebecca; Gallardo-Núñez, Marina; González-García, Emilio; Sánchez-Leal, Ricardo F.; Vila, Yolanda; Buhl-Mortensen, Pål; Fernández-Salas, Luis Miguel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Bottom trawling significantly impacts benthic communities, reducing habitat complexity and biodiversity. The distribution and abundance of key species in the northeastern Gulf of Cádiz, Spanish waters of Atlantic Ocean, ...
  • Exploiting the “gold of the ocean”: Can live storage solve the paradox of the purse seine fishery for Atlantic bluefin tuna in Norway? 

    Sistiaga, Manu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    The Norwegian quota for Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABT) (Thunnus thynnus) is not completely caught every year. This is paradoxical because Norway is a leading fishing nation. The fishery is currently executed by rod-and-reel ...
  • The effect of enzymatic and viability dye treatment in combination with long-range PCR on assessing Tulane virus infectivity 

    Stoppel, Sarah Marie; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Myrmel, Mette (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Human norovirus (HuNoV) is regularly involved in food-borne infections. To detect infectious HuNoV in food, RT-qPCR remains state of the art but also amplifies non-infectious virus. The present study combines pre-treatments, ...

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