Flødevigens rapportserie (1982-1992)
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Sårbare fiskeressurser i Skagerrak
(Rapport fra Forskningsstasjonen Flødevigen;1993 nr 1, Working paper, 1993-04-23)This report describes distribution of economically important fish and shellfish and their eggs and larvae in Skagerrak and gives a short discussion on possible exposure to negative man made environmental conditions. -
Hydrografi i Oslofjorden og Langesundsområdet 1974-1978
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Research report, 1982) -
A tagging and release experiment of 2-group artificially reared coastal cod (Gadus morhua). In: Flødevigen rapportserie no 1, 1990
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Research report, 1990)Cod were raised in an outdoor enclosure for the first 3 months after hatching and then transferred to the laboratory. After 2 years and at a length range from 33 to 52 cm (0.3 kg to 1.3 kg), 68 cod were tagged and ... -
Food selection in cod (Gadus morhua): reactions to colour and smell. In: Flødevigen rapportserie no 1, 1990
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Research report, 1990)Cod were offered food and food imitations with various colours and smells. When offered crabs with natural colour and with the carapace painted in red, yellow or green, they showed no significant preference. Neither did ... -
Recruitment of cod (Gadus morhua), whiting (Merlangius merlangus) and pollack (Pollachius pollachius) in the Risør area on the Norwegian Skagerrak coast 1945 to 1985. In: Flødevigen rapportserie no 1, 1990
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Research report, 1990)0-group gadoids and other fishes from the shallow water zone were sampled with a beach seine at 22 fixed localities in the Risør area at the Norwegian Skagerrak coast. A series of 41 years (1945 - 85) has been analysed. Cod, ... -
Genetic analyses of cod in northern norway. In: The propagation of cod Gadus morhua L.: an international symposium, Arendal, 14 - 17 June 1983
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Conference object, 1984)Several polymorphic proteins have been used in studies of cod stock structure in northern Norway. Samples of Arctic cod spawning in Lofoten in the spring of 1981 were analysed for enzyme polymorphism by starch gel ... -
Description of the spawning and the early life history of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus L.) from the Norwegian Skagerrak coast. In: Flødevigen rapportserie no 1, 1987
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Research report, 1987)Matured haddock were caught in late January 1982 and 1983 and transferred to a spawning basin. Spawning took place within 90 days from late February to late May each year, with a maximum from the middle of March to the ... -
Fiskeribiologiske undersøkelser i Langesundsområdet, 1974-1978
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Research report, 1983)From 1974 to 1978 R/V "G.M. Dannevig" was used for 7-8 cruises yearly in the Langesund area. Parameters sampled at 7 stations were: temperature, salinity and oxygen in standard depths, phytoplankton studies in the upper ... -
Habitat selection of juvenile cod (Gadus morhua), whiting (Merlangus merlangius) and some littoral fish in an aquarium. In: Flødevigen rapportserie no 1, 1987
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Research report, 1987)Experiments were conducted to study the habit at selection of juvenile cod Gadus morhua, juvenile whiting merlangus merlangius, black goby Gobius niger, great pipefish Syngnathus acus, sand eel Ammodytes tobianus, ... -
The future of cod farming and the possibility of restocking local coastal cod populations. In: The propagation of cod Gadus morhua L.: an international symposium, Arendal, 14 - 17 June 1983
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Conference object, 1984) -
Feeding behaviour of Diaphus dumerilii in NW Africa with notes on its relations to other myctophids in the area. In: Flødevigen rapportserie no 1, 1988
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Research report, 1988)The feeding pattern of D. dumerilii was studied based on material collected by R/V "Dr. Fridtjof Nansen" from west Africa (from Mauritania to Nigeria-Congo area and the Cape Verde Islands) in 1981. The other species. ... -
A stock assessment of lobster (Homarus gamarus) on the Norwegian Skagerrak coast
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Research report, 1982)The lobster stock on the Norwegian Skagerrak coast has become gradually less abundant since early 1950'ies. This is shown by decreasing catch per unit of effort and decreasing numbers according to cohort analysis on ... -
Yearclass strength of north-east Arctic cod at the 0-group stage. In: The propagation of cod Gadus morhua L.: an international symposium, Arendal, 14 - 17 June 1983
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Conference object, 1984)On the basis of recent developments in artificial propagation of cod fry it has been suggested that propagated cod fry may be released in the Barents Sea and the Svalbard region, the feeding areas of North-East Arctic ... -
Gyting hos hyse (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) under experimentelle betingelser
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Research report, 1982)Maturing haddocks were caught in late January 1982 and transferred to a spawning basin at the State Biological Station Flødevigen, Arendal. The spawning took place from February 26th to May 27th, with a maximum in March ... -
Mass occurrence of Gyrodinium aureolum Hulburt and fish mortality along the southern coast of Norway in September-October 1981
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Research report, 1982)At the end of September 1981 the sea appeared "coffee brown" along the southern coast of Norway due to mass occurrence of Gyrodinium aureolum Hulburt. The maximum cell concentration observed was 70*10^6 cells*1^-1. When ... -
Prediction of year-class strength of coastal cod (Gadus morhua) from beach seine catches of 0-group. In: Flødevigen rapportserie no 1, 1992
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Research report, 1992)The validity of a beach seine 0-group index as a measure of year-class strength of cod in exposed areas along the Norwegian Skagerrak coast was tested. Fishing with trammel-nets was performed during November and December ... -
Effects of hydrocarbons on growth and 14^C-uptake by Thalassiosira psudonana (Bacillariophyceae). In: Flødevigen rapportserie no 2, 1990
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Research report, 1990)Exponentially growing cultures of Thalassiosira pseudonana were exposed to different concentrations of benzene, naphthalene and decane. The acute effects of algal growth were different for increasing concentrations of ... -
Biology and management of the Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus Tilesius) resource in the eastern Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska. In: The propagation of cod Gadus morhua L.: an international symposium, Arendal, 14 - 17 June 1983
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Conference object, 1984)Pacific cod have been exploited in Alaska for over 100 years. Originally, the fishery was exploited in coastal waters by U. S. fishermen. This domestic fishery declined following World War I, ceasing by the early 1950's ... -
Does cod farming have a commercial future? A technical and economic assessment. In: The propagation of cod Gadus morhua L.: an international symposium, Arendal, 14 - 17 June 1983
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Conference object, 1984)Cod is a traditional favourite with British consumers, but supplies have fallen dramatically through the 1960's and 70's as a result of imposed fishing limitations. Maintenance of supplies for the future will depend on ... -
The management of cod stocks with special reference to growth and recruitment overfishing and the question whether artificial propagation can help solve management problems. In: The propagation of cod Gadus morhua L.: an international symposium, Arendal, 14 - 17 June 1983
(Flødevigen rapportserie, Conference object, 1984)The terms qrowth overfishinq and recruitment overfishinq are defined. The exploitation and management of two of the major cod stocks in the North-East Atlantic, North-East Arctic cod and North Sea cod, are briefly ...