• Haneskjellet, Chlamys islandica (O. F. Müller) og dets utbredelse i noen nordnorske fjorder 

      Wiborg, Kristian Fredrik (Fisken og havet;1962 - Nr. 3, Journal article, 1962)
      The distribution in northern Norway of the Iceland scallop, Chlamys islandica (O. F. Müller) has been mapped (Fig.s 3-7). The species is mostly found in the inner of fjords having one or two sills, 3-15 m deep ...
    • Småsildundersøkelsene i Nord-Norge 1961/62 

      Dragesund, Olav; Hognestad, Per T. (Fisken og havet;1962 - Nr. 2, Journal article, 1962)
      A progress report of the small herring investigations from September 1961 to May 1962 is presented. 1. During the autumn of 1961 rather small concentration of the 0-group were ecorded in the area around Bear Island and ...
    • Notfisket i Lofoten 

      Hylen, Arvid (Fisken og havet;1962 - Nr. 3, Journal article, 1962)
      The effect of the Lofoten purse-seine fishery is considered. Both biological and fishery statistical data are used, and the main features of this analysis are the following: The difference between the length distributions ...
    • Om hydrografiske forhold i Skagerak og den nordøstlige del av Nordsjøen, og deres betydning for fordelingen av brislingegg og yngel 

      Ljøen, Rikard (Fisken og havet;1962 - Nr. 1, Journal article, 1962)
      Since 1959 the Norwegian sprat investigations have been considerably intensified. In this connection extensive hydrographical investigations have also been carried out. In this paper an account is given of the distribution ...
    • Toktrapporter trykt i "Fiskets gang" i 1962 

      Dragesund, Olav; Hognestad, Per T.; Lie, Ulf; Hamre, Johannes; Revheim, Arne; Bratberg, Erling; Østvedt, Ole Johan; Devold, Finn (Fisken og havet;1962 - Nr. 4, Research report, 1962)
      Forside: Fisken og havet ; rapporter og meldinger fra fiskeridirektoratets havforskningsinstitutt. Inneholder: 1.) Småsild- og feitsildtokt med "F/F G.O. Sars" i tiden 30. august til 28. september 1961. 2.) Rapport fra et ...
    • Lodda og loddefisket 

      Møller, Dag; Olsen, Steinar (Fisken og havet;1962 - Nr. 1, Journal article, 1962)
      This is a preliminary report on the Norwegian capelin investigations started in 1960. The general distribution and life history of the species is discussed. Special attention is drawn to the high postspawning mortality, ...
    • Norske pigghåmerkinger 1958-61 

      Aasen, Olav (Fisken og havet;1962 - Nr. 3, Journal article, 1962)
      The Norwegian taggings of spiny dogfish are considered for the period 1958-61. The main results are that: a) there exists a regular migration between the British Isles (summer) and the Norwegian coastal waters (winter) and ...
    • Om seiens ernæring 

      Lie, Ulf (Fisken og havet;1962 - Nr. 3, Journal article, 1962)
      l. Stomach contents of coalfish from Norwegian waters have been studied. 2. During the first months of the year the food of the 0-group coalfish proved to be planktonic animals; later a transition towards animals of a ...
    • Undersøkelser av krabbe (Cancer Pagurus L.) i farvannene ved Bergen i årene 1959-60 

      Gundersen, Kaare R. (Fisken og havet;1962 - Nr. 2, Journal article, 1962)
    • Forekomst av egg og yngel av fisk i vest- og nordnorske kyst- og bankfarvann våren 1961 

      Wiborg, Kristian Fredrik (Fisken og havet;1962 - Nr. 1, Journal article, 1962)
      In 1961 cod eggs and larvae were more scarce in the Lofoten area than in the previous year (Table 1). Maxima of spawning and hatching occurred later than in 1960. In April cod eggs were relatively abundant in the inner ...
    • Forekomst av egg og yngel av fisk i vest-norske kyst- og bankfarvann og ved Skrova i Lofoten våren 1962 

      Wiborg, Kristian Fredrik (Fisken og havet;1962 - Nr. 3, Journal article, 1962)
      In 1962 cod eggs and larvae were a little more numerous in the Lofoten area than in the previous year. (Table 1). Maxima of spawning and hatching occurred a fortnight earlier than in 1961. Eggs of saithe and Norway pout ...
    • Klappmyssens aldersfordeling i Danmarkstredet 

      Rasmussen, Birger (Fisken og havet;1962 - Nr. 2, Journal article, 1962)
      The age composition of the hooded seal (Cystophora cristata) based upon samples from the summer seal hunt in the Denmark Strait is shown in fig. 1. The 1957-year class is particularly promising. The reason for this is ...
    • Innvandring fra Storbritannia til Norge av havert (Halichoerus grypus) 

      Hickling, G.; Rasmussen, Birger; Smith, E. A. (Fisken og havet;1962 - Nr. 2, Journal article, 1962)
      The present article on the migration of grey seals from British waters to the Norwegian coast is mainly intended to arouse the interest of the coastal population of Norway for the British marking experiments. The first ...
    • Sildeundersøkelsene i Nord-Norge 1962/1963 

      Dragesund, Olav; Hognestad, Per T. (Fisken og havet;1963 - Nr. 2, Journal article, 1963)
      A progress report of the herring investigations in Northern Noway from September 1962 to May 1963 is presented. l. In autumn 1962 only small concentrations of the 0-group were recorded in the open sea off Northern Norway ...
    • Rapport om identifisering av torskepopulasjoner basert på frekvensen av hemoglobintyper 

      Møller, Dag; Sick, Knud (Fisken og havet;1963 - Nr. 1, Journal article, 1963)
      Co-operation between the Institute of Marine Research, Directorate of Fisheries, Bergen and the Institute of Genetics, University of Copenhagen, was started in 1961 with the object of compiling the gene frequency of ...
    • Rapport om forsøksfisket etter lodde i Barentshavet august-september 1962 

      Olsen, Steinar (Fisken og havet;1963 - Nr. 1, Journal article, 1963)
      The fishing experiments for capelin in August-September of 1962 are described and compared to the results from similar cruises in 1960 and 1961. The conclusion drawn is that a profitable high sea fishery for capelin in the ...
    • Litt om hvittingen 

      Kvavig, Per (Fisken og havet;1963 - Nr. 1, Journal article, 1963)
      Length, age, and growth of the whiting in different waters are compared. The mean lengths of the 1-group fish from the various areas are approximately the same with the exception of the Danish Waters and Fladen Ground-Faroes ...
    • Seleksjonsforsøk med torskeruser 

      Hylen, Arvid (Fisken og havet;1963 - Nr. 2, Journal article, 1963)
      The selection of cod in trap-nets made of cotton has been studied on the fishing localities and in an aquarium. Most of the calculations are made on data from aquarium experiments with five different mesh-sizes. The selection ...
    • Tilstanden i havet under den unormale vinter 1963 

      Eggvin, Jens (Fisken og havet;1963 - Nr. 1, Journal article, 1963)
      During the winter of 1963, with great negative anomalies in the air temperatures (Tab. 1), and relative low cloudiness, the cooling of the sea by radiation, conduction and partly also by evaporation, has resulted in very ...
    • Norske pigghåmerkninger 1962 

      Aasen, Olav (Fisken og havet;1963 - Nr. 2, Journal article, 1963)
      The Norwegian taggings of the spur dog (Squalus achantias) for 1962 are considered. The main points are: 1. There still exists an extensive migration between the British Isles (summer) and Norway (winter) and vice versa; ...