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dc.contributor.authorHuse, Geir
dc.contributor.authorToresen, Reidar
dc.descriptionPrecision and relevance of pre-recruit studies for fishery management related to fish stocks in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters. Proceeding of the sixth IMR-PINRO Symposium Bergen, 14-17 June 1994en
dc.description.abstractIn years with high abundance of juvenile Norwegian spring spawning herring in the Barents sea, the year-class strength of capelin has frequently been observed to be poor. It has therefore been suggested that predation by herring is an important determinant of year-class strength for capelin. In order to study predation by herring on capelin larvae, stomachs of herring were collected in areas of spatial overlap between herring and capelin larvae in 1992 and 1993. Based on the results of the investigations in these two years, a simple model was used to estimate the impact of predation by herring on capelin larvae through the years 1983-1992. It is concluded that it is likely that predation by herring is the explanation for the poor recruitment of capelin observed in years when rich year-classes of juvenile herring are distributed in the southern Barents Sea.en
dc.format.extent848477 bytes
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPINRO-IMR Symposiumen
dc.titlePredation by juvenile herring (Clupea harengus L.) on Barents Sea capelin (Mallotus villosus Muller) larvaeen
dc.typeConference objecten
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Agriculture and fishery disciplines: 900::Fisheries science: 920en
dc.source.pagenumbers. 59-73

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