NORFISK - an ecosystem simulation model for studies of the fish stocks off the coast of Norway
Original version
This report is not to be cited without prior reference to the authorsAbstract
A biomass based ecosystem simulation model has been fitted to a
restricted area of the Norwegian coastal waters. The model uses a
holistic ecosystem approach and data on biomasses and their
interaction with each other have been taken from the Møre region,
western Norway. The main objective was to study interactions beetween
cod, haddock saithe and herring and their prey in this area. lnitial
estimation of the biomasses was based partly on acoustic methods and
partly on data from the literature. Sampling of stomach contents was
conducted to provide data for food composition tables. The
calculations in the model were based on biomasses only, but in the
analysis each species was treated as eggs and larvae, juveniles and
adults to give biomasses with relative homogeneous structure and
behaviour. The problems of intergroup recruitment and migration have
been discussed. The results indicate that using such a model as a tool
to treat data can give a better understanding of the ecosystem.