The effect of different photoperiods on growth and smoltification in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Original version
This report is not to be cited without prior reference to the authorsAbstract
Photoperiod has been implicated as an effective mediator of
growth and smelting in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). To investigate
this 0+ parr of Atlantic salmon were treated with three
different photoperiods: 24Light:0Dark; 16L:8D; 8L:16D; held static
during the experimental period.
This preliminary report shows that growth was greatest under
the continous light regime, followed by the 8L:16D photoperiod
and the 8L:l6D regime.
Several bloodparametres were measured as indicators of stress.
These indicators showed no large differences between photoperiods.
Thus, extended periods of light does not seem to stress
the fish, on the contrary, manipulating photoperiods is an
effective means of increasing growth and controlling smelting in
Atlantic salmon.