Browsing Brage IMR by Author "Vikebø, Frode"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Climate-Driven Ichthyoplankton Drift Model Predicts Growth of Top Predator Young
Myksvoll, Mari Skuggedal; Erikstad, Kjell E.; Barrett, Robert T.; Sandvik, Hanno; Vikebø, Frode (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-11-12)Climate variability influences seabird population dynamics in several ways including access to prey near colonies during the critical chick-rearing period. This study addresses breeding success in a Barents Sea colony of ... -
Drift, growth, and survival of larval Northeast Arctic cod with simple rules of behaviour
Vikebø, Frode; Jørgensen, Christian; Kristiansen, Trond; Fiksen, Øyvind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007-10-11)Due to vertical variations in ocean circulation, larval Northeast Arctic cod Gadus morhua may influence their own drift routes by migrating vertically. By coupling a larval individual-based model and a general circulation ... -
An ecosystem modeling approach to predicting cod recruitment
Svendsen, Einar; Skogen, Morten D.; Budgell, W. Paul; Huse, Geir; Stiansen, Jan Erik; Ådlandsvik, Bjørn; Vikebø, Frode; Asplin, Lars; Sundby, Svein (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2006)Abstract The NORWECOM ocean model system implemented with the ROMS ocean circulation model has been run to simulate conditions over the last 25 years for the North Atlantic. Modelled time series of volume fluxes, primary ... -
Effects of climate on marine ecosystem
Vikebø, Frode; Sundby, Svein; Ådlandsvik, Bjørn (ICES CM Documents;2003/O:7, Working paper, 2003)The spawning areas of the Arcto-Norwegian cod are located along the coast of mid and northern Norway, particulary in the Lofoten where up to 70% of the spawning occurs from mid March to early May. The larvae are carried ... -
Erfaringer, modellsimuleringer og kartverktøy til støtte for vurdering av dispergeringsmiddel i Statens oljevernberedskap
Grøsvik, Bjørn Einar; Meier, Sonnich; Horneland, Per Arne; Lien, Vidar; Vikebø, Frode (Rapport fra Havforskningen;Nr. 2 - 2014, Working paper, 2014)The Norwegian Coastal Administration has asked the Institute of Marine Research to present experiences, model simulations and maps of marine resources as support for decisions related to mitigation of acute oil spills. ... -
Inadequate risk assessments – A study on worst-case scenarios related to petroleum exploitation in the Lofoten area
Hauge, Kjellrun Hiis; Blanchard, Anne; Andersen, Gisle; Boland, Ragnhild; Grøsvik, Bjørn Einar; Howell, Daniel; Meier, Sonnich; Olsen, Erik; Vikebø, Frode (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-08-28)Heated debates are currently taking place on whether to open the area of Lofoten and Vesteralen in Northern Norway for petroleum production. Seismic explorations in this area have indicated promising petroleum resources. ... -
An Integrated Assessment of changes in the thermohaline circulation
Kuhlbrodt, Till; Rahmstorf, Stefan; Zickfeld, Kirsten; Vikebø, Frode; Sundby, Svein; Hofmann, Matthias; Link, Peter Michael; Bondeau, Alberte; Cramer, Wolfgang; Jaeger, Carlo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-03-27)This paper discusses the risks of a shutdown of the thermohaline circulation (THC) for the climate system, for ecosystems in and around the North Atlantic as well as for fisheries and agriculture by way of an Integrated ... -
Kunnskap om marine naturressurser i Barentshavet sørøst
Fosså, Jan Helge; Aglen, Asgeir; Børsheim, Yngve; Chierici, Melissa; Eriksen, Elena; Hvingel, Carsten; Johannesen, Edda; Jørgensen, Lis Lindal; Knutsen, Tor; Naustvoll, Lars-Johan; Skern-Mauritzen, Mette; Sundet, Jan H.; Vikebø, Frode (Rapport fra Havforskningen;Nr. 21 - 2012, Working paper, 2012-06)The status of knowledge of the resources in the Southeastern Barents Sea is reported. The area is dominated by Atlantic watermasses flowing eastwards. The planktonic production is high and secure good feeding conditions ... -
KunnskapsInnhenting Barentshavet–Lofoten–Vesterålen (KILO)
Sundby, Svein; Fossum, Petter; Sandvik, Anne Dagrun; Vikebø, Frode; Aglen, Asgeir; Buhl-Mortensen, Lene; Folkvord, Arild; Bakkeplass, Kjell; Buhl-Mortensen, Pål; Johannessen, Magnus; Jørgensen, Martin S.; Kristiansen, Trond; Landra, Camilla S.; Myksvoll, Mari Skuggedal; Nash, Richard D.M. (Fisken og Havet;3-2013, Research report, 2013-03)I revidert nasjonalbudsjett 2011 fikk Havforskningsinstituttet i oppdrag å styrke kunnskapsgrunnlaget om marine økosystemer og ressurser i området Lofoten-Vesterålen. Prosjektet ble gjennomført i perioden fra november 2011 ... -
Linking behavioural ecology and oceanography: larval behaviour determines growth, mortality and dispersal
Fiksen, Øyvind; Jørgensen, Christian; Kristiansen, Trond; Vikebø, Frode; Huse, Geir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007-10-11)Highly resolved general circulation models (GCMs) now generate realistic flow fields, and have revealed how sensitive larval drift routes are to vertical positioning in the water column. Sensible representation of behavioural ... -
Mechanisms a ecting the transport of early stages of Norwegian Coastal Cod - a fjord study
Myksvoll, Mari Skuggedal; Sundby, Svein; Ådlandsvik, Bjørn; Vikebø, Frode (ICES CM documents;2008/L:16, Working paper, 2008)An increasing concern in sheries management in Norway is how the Arcto-Norwegian Cod (ANC), with its feeding habitat in the Barents Sea, is separated from or mixed with the local populations of Norwegian Coastal Cod ... -
Modelling rule-based behaviour: habitat selection and the growth–survival trade-off in larval cod
Kristiansen, Trond; Jørgensen, Christian; Lough, R. G.; Vikebø, Frode; Fiksen, Øyvind (ICES CM documents;2009/T:03, Working paper, 2009) -
NorKyst-800 Rapport nr. 1 : Brukermanual og tekniske beskrivelser
Albretsen, Jon; Sperrevik, Ann Kristin; Staalstrøm, André; Sandvik, Anne Dagrun; Vikebø, Frode; Asplin, Lars (Fisken og havet;2-2011, Research report, 2011-02-15)NorKyst-800 (Norwegian Coast 800m) is a numerical, high-resolution, ocean modelling system. The main motivation for establishing NorKyst-800, besides the easy-to-implement and easy-and-rapid-to-use facilities, is the ... -
Parental migration, climate and thermal exposure of larvae: spawning in southern regions gives Northeast Arctic cod a warm start
Opdal, Anders Frugård; Vikebø, Frode; Fiksen, Øyvind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-10-20)Temporal variability in environmental conditions met by early life stages is considered a key driver of fluctuations in recruitment and abundance of fish stocks. Variability in spawning grounds selected by the parental ... -
Real-Time Ichthyoplankton Drift in Northeast Arctic Cod and Norwegian Spring-Spawning Herring
Vikebø, Frode; Ådlandsvik, Bjørn; Albretsen, Jon; Sundby, Svein; Stenevik, Erling Kåre; Huse, Geir; Svendsen, Einar; Kristiansen, Trond; Eriksen, Elena (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-11-16)Background: Individual-based biophysical larval models, initialized and parameterized by observations, enable numerical investigations of various factors regulating survival of young fish until they recruit into the adult ... -
Retention of Coastal Cod Eggs in a Fjord Caused by Interactions between Egg Buoyancy and Circulation Pattern
Myksvoll, Mari Skuggedal; Sundby, Svein; Ådlandsvik, Bjørn; Vikebø, Frode (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-08-01)Norwegian coastal cod form a stationary population of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua consisting of several genetically separated subpopulations. A small-scale differentiation in marine populations with pelagic eggs and larvae ... -
Seabird−fish interactions: the fall and rise of a common guillemot Uria aalge population
Erikstad, Kjell E.; Reiertsen, Tone Kristin; Barrett, Robert T.; Vikebø, Frode; Sandvik, Hanno (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-02-14)A major challenge in population ecology is the prediction of population responses to environmental variance. Food availability has long been hypothesized to play a major role in regulating seabird populations. In general, ... -
Size selective mortality in Norwegian spring spawning herring juveniles?
Husebø, Åse; Stenevik, Erling Kåre; Slotte, Aril; Vikebø, Frode; Folkvord, Arild; Fossum, Petter (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2005)The growth-mortality hypothesis, where survival during the larval stage is positively related to size, is tested for Norwegian spring spawning herring (Clupea harengus L.). The daily increment width in the otoliths is ...