• Impacts of Climate Change on Marine Foundation Species 

      Wernberg, Thomas; Thomsen, Mads S.; Baum, Julia K.; Bishop, Melanie J.; Bruno, John F.; Coleman, Melinda A.; Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Gagnon, Karine; He, Qiang; Murdiyarso, Daniel; Rogers, Kerrylee; Silliman, Brian R.; Smale, Dan A.; Starko, Samuel; Vanderklift, Mathew A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Marine foundation species are the biotic basis for many of the world's coastal ecosystems, providing structural habitat, food, and protection for myriad plants and animals as well as many ecosystem services. However, climate ...
    • Impacts of marine heatwaves in coastal ecosystems depend on local environmental conditions 

      Starko, Samuel; van der Mheen, Mirjam; Pessarrodona, Albert; Wood, Georgina V.; Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Neufeld, Christopher J.; Montie, Shinae; Coleman, Melinda A.; Wernberg, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Marine heatwaves (MHWs), increasing in duration and intensity because of climate change, are now a major threat to marine life and can have lasting effects on the structure and function of ecosystems. However, the responses ...
    • Long-Term Stability of Marine Forests Facing Moderate Gradual Warming in a Remote Biodiversity Hotspot 

      Pessarrodona, Albert; Wood, Georgina; Grimaldi, Camille M.; Goldberg, Nisse; Kendrick, Gary A.; Starko, Samuel; Wernberg, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Aim Ocean warming and marine heatwaves are rapidly reconfiguring the composition of seaweed forests—the world's largest coastal vegetated biome. Seaweed forest responses to climate change in remote locations, which constitute ...
    • Marine protected areas can be useful but are not a silver bullet for kelp conservation 

      Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Starko, Samuel; Pessarrodona, Albert; Wood, Georgina; Norderhaug, Kjell Magnus; Piñeiro-Corbeira, Cristina; Wernberg, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Kelp forests are among the most valuable ecosystems on Earth, but they are increasingly being degraded and lost due to a range of human-related stressors, leading to recent calls for their improved management and conservation. ...
    • The Kelp Forest Challenge: A collaborative global movement to protect and restore 4 million hectares of kelp forests 

      Eger, Aaron Matthius; Aguirre, J. David; Altamirano, María; Arafeh-Dalmau, Nur; Arroyo, Nina Larissa; Bauer-Civiello, Anne M.; Beas-Luna, Rodrigo; Bekkby, Trine; Bennett, Scott; Bernal, Blanca; Blain, Caitlin O.; Boada, Jordi; Branigan, Simon; Bursic, Jasmine; Cevallos, Bruno; Choi, ChangGeun; Connell, Sean D.; Edward, Christopher; Earp, Hannah Scarlett; Eddy, Norah; Matthius, Aaron; Ennis, Lee-Ann; Falace, Annalisa; Ferreira, Ana Margarida; Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Forbes, Hunter; Francis, Prue; Franco, Joao N.; Geisler, Karen Gray; Giraldo-Ospina, Anita; Gonzalez, Alejandra V.; Hingorani, Swati; Hohman, Rietta; Iveša, Ljiljana; Kaleb, Sara; Keane, John P.; Koch, Sophie J. I.; Krumhansl, Kira; Ladah, Lydia; Lafont, Dallas J.; Layton, Cayne; Le, Duong Minh; Lee, Lynn Chi; Ling, Scott D.; Lonhart, Steve I.; Malpica-Cruz, Luis; Mangialajo, Luisa; McConnell, Amy; McHugh, Tristin Anoush; Micheli, Fiorenza; Miller, Kelsey Irene; Monserrat, Margalida; Montes-Herrera, Juan; Moreno, Bernabé; Neufeld, Christopher J.; Orchard, Shane; Peabody, Betsy; Peleg, Ohad; Pessarrodona, Albert; Pocklington, Jacqueline B.; Reeves, Simon E.; Ricart, Aurora M.; Ross, Finnley; Schanz, Federica Romina; Schreider, Maria; Sedarat, Mohammad; Smith, Shannen M.; Starko, Samuel; Strain, Elisabeth M. A.; Tamburello, Laura; Timmer, Brian; Toft, Jodie E.; Uribe, Roberto A.; van den Burg, Sander W. K.; Vásquez, Julio A.; Veenhof, Reina J.; Wernberg, Thomas; Wood, Georgina; Zepeda-Domínguez, José Alberto; Vergès, Adriana (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Marine kelp forests cover 1/3 of our world's coastlines, are heralded as a nature-based solution to address socio-environmental issues, connect hundreds of millions of people with the ocean, and support a rich web of ...
    • Upscaling marine forest restoration: challenges, solutions and recommendations from the Green Gravel Action Group 

      Wood, Georgina Valentine; Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Coleman, Melinda Ann; Valckenaere, Jurgen; Aguirre, J. David; Bentley, Paige M.; Carnell, Paul; Dawkins, Phoebe Damayanthi; Dykman, Lauren N.; Earp, Hannah S.; Ennis, Leeann B.; Francis, Prue; Franco, João N.; Hayford, Hilary; Lamb, Joleah B.; Ling, Scott Douglas; Layton, Cayne; Lis, Ella; Masters, Beau; Miller, Nicole; Moore, Pippa Jane; Neufeld, Chris; Pocklington, Jacqueline B.; Smale, Dan; Stahl, Florian; Starko, Samuel; Steel, S. Clay; Verbeek, Jan; Vergés, Adriana; Wilding, Catherine M.; Wernberg, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Introduction: To counteract the rapid loss of marine forests globally and meet international commitments of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and the Convention on Biological Diversity ‘30 by 30’ targets, there is an ...
    • Whole genome population structure of North Atlantic kelp confirms high-latitude glacial refugia 

      Bringloe, Trevor T; Fort, Antoine; Inaba, Masami; Sulpice, Ronan; Ghriofa, Cliodhna Ní; Mols-Mortensen, Agnes; Filbee-Dexter, Karen; Vieira, Christophe; Kawai, Hiroshi; Hanyuda, Takeaki; Krause- Jensen, Dorte; Olesen, Birgit; Starko, Samuel; Verbruggen, Heroen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Coastal refugia during the Last Glacial Maximum (~21,000 years ago) have been hypothesized at high latitudes in the North Atlantic, suggesting marine populations persisted through cycles of glaciation and are potentially ...