Browsing Brage IMR by Author "Rikardsen, Audun H."
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
An effective method for the recapture of escaped farmed salmon
Chittenden, Cedar; Rikardsen, Audun H.; Skilbrei, Ove Tommy; Davidsen, Jan Grimsrud; Halttunen, Elina; Skardhamar, Jofrid; McKinley, R. Scott (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)The search for effective strategies to prevent and mitigate accidental releases of aquaculture fishes is on-going. To test a new recapture strategy and evaluate the individual dispersal behaviour of escaped farmed Atlantic ... -
Don't mind if I do: Arctic humpback whales respond to winter foraging opportunities before migration
Kettemer, Lisa Elena; Ramm, Theresia; Broms, Fredrik Björn; Biuw, Martin; Blanchet, Marie-Anne; Bourgeon, Sophie; Dubourg, Paul; Ellendersen, Anna C. J.; Horaud, Mathilde; Kershaw, Joanna; Miller, Patrick J. O.; Øien, Nils Inge; Pallin, Logan J.; Rikardsen, Audun H. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Migration patterns are fundamentally linked to the spatio-temporal distributions of prey. How migrating animals can respond to changes in their prey's distribution and abundance remains largely unclear. During the last ... -
An effective method for the recapture of escaped farmed salmon
Chittenden, Cedar M.; Rikardsen, Audun H.; Skilbrei, Ove; Davidsen, Jan G.; Halttunen, Elina; Skarðhamar, Jofrid; McKinley, R. Scott (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-04-04)The search for effective strategies to prevent and mitigate accidental releases of aquaculture fishes is on-going. To test a new recapture strategy and evaluate the individual dispersal behaviour of escaped farmed Atlantic ... -
Implications of tag positioning and performance on the analysis of cetacean movement
Mul, Evert; Blanchet, Marie-Anne; Biuw, Martin; Rikardsen, Audun H. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background Satellite-linked animal-borne tags enable the study of free-ranging marine mammals. These tags can only transmit data while their antenna is above the surface for a sufficient amount of time. Thus, the position ... -
Killer whales are attracted to herring fishing vessels
Mul, Evert; Blanchet, Marie-Anne; McClintock, Brett; Grecian, James; Biuw, Martin; Rikardsen, Audun H. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)ABSTRACT: Marine mammals and fisheries often target the same resources, which can lead to operational interactions. Potential consequences of operational interaction include entanglements and damaged or reduced catches but ... -
Marine mammal hotspots in the Greenland and Barents Seas
Hamilton, Charmain Danielle; Lydersen, Christian; Aars, Jon; Biuw, Martin; Boltunov, Andrei; Born, Erik W.; Dietz, Rune; Folkow, Lars; Glazov, Dmitry M.; Haug, Tore; Heide-Jørgensen, Mads-Peter; Kettemer, Lisa Elena; Laidre, Kristin L.; Øien, Nils Inge; Nordøy, Erling Sverre; Rikardsen, Audun H.; Rosing-Asvid, Aqqalu; Semenova, Varvara; Shpak, Olga V.; Sveegaard, Signe; Ugarte, Fernando; Wiig, Øystein; Kovacs, Kit M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Environmental change and increasing levels of human activity are threats to marine mammals in the Arctic. Identifying marine mammal hotspots and areas of high species richness are essential to help guide management and ... -
Norwegian killer whale movements reflect their different prey types
Vogel, Emma Frances; Rikardsen, Audun H.; Blanchet, Marie-Anne; Blévin, Pierre; Biuw, Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Norwegian killer whales (Orcinus orca) are thought to be generalists that feed primarily on fish, but some individuals have been observed targeting pinnipeds. In the study reported here, field observations of foraging ... -
Ny teknologi for overvåking av oppdrettsmiljø og fiskevelferd i oppdrettsmerder. Sluttrapport for FHF prosjekt 900085
Aas-Hansen, Øyvind; Stien, Lars Helge; Gytre, Trygve; Tennøy, Torodd; Bjørnsen, Jan Eyolf; Evensen, Tor Hatten; Sæther, Bjørn-Steinar; Damsgård, Børge; Brataas, Ragnar; Finne, Dag Einar; Koren, Christian; Alfredsen, Jo Arve; Rikardsen, Audun H.; Kristiansen, Tore S (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2010)Det er kjent at oppdrettsfisk som trives er god butikk, da de vil vokse fortere, være mindre utsatt for sykdom og gi bedre produktkvalitet. Samtidig stiller markedene økende krav til etisk produksjon, inklusiv dokumentasjon ... -
Sluttrapport for prosjekt: "Kartlegging og testing av metoder for å redusere interaksjoner mellom fiskeri og hval" - FHF 901681
Tenningen, Maria; Sivle, Lise Doksæter; Biuw, Martin; Rikardsen, Audun H. (Rapport fra havforskningen;2024 - 10, Research report, 2024)Spekkhoggere og knølhval i norske farvann følger den pelagiske fiskeflåten og beiter på fisken som blir samlet sammen av nøtene. Disse interaksjonene har ved flere anledninger ført til skade eller død av hval, og fangsttap ... -
The major threats to Atlantic salmon in Norway
Forseth, Torbjørn; Barlaup, Bjørn Torgeir; Finstad, Bengt; Fiske, Peder; Gjøsæter, Harald; Falkegård, Morten; Hindar, Atle; Mo, Tor Atle; Rikardsen, Audun H.; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Vøllestad, Leif Asbjørn; Wennevik, Vidar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is an economically and culturally important species. Norway has more than 400 watercourses with Atlantic salmon and supports a large proportion of the world’s wild Atlantic salmon. Atlantic ... -
Validation of pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) on Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in a Greenland fjord
Nielsen, Julius; Estévez-Barcia, Daniel; Post, Søren; Christensen, Helle Torp; Retzel, Anja; Meire, Lorenz; Rigét, Frank; Strøm, John Frederik; Rikardsen, Audun H.; Hedeholm, Rasmus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Traditional tagging techniques are simple and cost-effective, but inferences require recaptures and data on movement/migration are limited to a start and end position at unpredictable intervals. Pop-up satellite archival ...