Blar i Brage IMR på forfatter "Remø, Sofie C."
A new method for regionalization of the vertebral column in salmonids based on radiographic hallmarks
Murugesan, Sankar; Kryvi, Harald; Fraser, Thomas; Philip, Antony Jesu Prabhu; Remø, Sofie C.; Hansen, Tom Johnny; Witten, Paul Eckhard; Fjelldal, Per Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Current procedures to establish vertebral column regionalization (e.g., histology) in fish are time consuming and difficult to apply. The aim of this study was to develop a more rapid and accurate radiology-based method ... -
Arsenic speciation and arsenic feed-to-fish transfer in Atlantic salmon fed marine low trophic feeds based blue mussel and kelp
Silva, Marta Sofia; Tibon, Jojo; Sartipiyarahmadi, Sahar; Remø, Sofie C.; Sele, Veronika; Søfteland, Liv Ingeborg Rosvoll; Sveier, Harald; Wiech, Martin; Philip, Antony Jesu Prabhu; Berntssen, Marc HG (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background Aquaculture aims to reduce the environmental and climate footprints of feed production. Consequently, low trophic marine (LTM) resources such as blue mussels and kelp are potential candidates to be used as ... -
Blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) silage, a possible low trophic marine protein source for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
Sartipiyarahmadi, Sahar; Philip, Antony Jesu Prabhu; Forshei, Aksel N.; Sveier, Harald; Steinsund, Silje; Kleppe, Malin; Lock, Erik Jan Robert; Madaro, Angelico; Hansen, Tom Johnny; Strand, Øivind; Wiech, Martin; Jakobsen, Jan Vidar; Remø, Sofie C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) could be a promising marine protein source in fish feeds and is of great interest since it can be cultivated along the Norwegian coastline. However, the use of blue mussels in feeds is dependent ... -
Dietary electrolyte balance of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) freshwater feeds: Impact on osmoregulation, mineral metabolism and performance in seawater
Prabhu, P. Antony Jesu; Fjelldal, Per Gunnar; Remø, Sofie C.; Selvam, Chandrasekar; Hamre, Kristin; Espe, Marit; Holen, Elisabeth; Skjærven, Kaja Helvik; Vikså, Vibeke; Subramanian, Saravanan; Schrama, Johan W.; Sissener, Nini (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Dietary electrolyte balance is the equilibrium of monovalent cations and anions that influence the acid-base balance of the feed (dEB = Na + K − Cl, mEq kg−1). Dietary electrolytes/minerals can influence the physiological ... -
Dietary zinc, selenium and water temperature during early seawater phase influences the development of vertebral deformities and cataract in adult Atlantic salmon
Philip, Antony Jesu Prabhu; Fjelldal, Per Gunnar; Remø, Sofie C.; Silva, Marta Sofia; Holme, May-Helen; Lock, Erik Jan Robert; Waagbø, Rune (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The impact of dietary trace minerals (TM; zinc and selenium) and water temperature during early seawater phase on the development of vertebral deformities and cataracts in adult Atlantic salmon was studied. Two experimental ... -
Environmentally driven changes in Atlantic salmon oxidative status interact with physiological performance
Yin, Peng; Saito, Takaya; Fjelldal, Per Gunnar; Björnsson, Björn Thrandur; Remø, Sofie C.; Sharma, Sandeep; Olsen, Rolf-Erik; Hamre, Kristin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Farmed Atlantic salmon in sea cages experience natural seasonal changes in seawater temperature and photoperiod. Atlantic salmon have more oxidized tissues in spring and early summer, and this corresponds to the period of ... -
Ernæringsbehov og fôring for optimal helse og overlevelse av rensefisk - Del 2 Rognkjeks
Lein, Ingrid; Berge, Gerd Marit; Bogevik, André Sture; Hamre, Kristin; Aas, Grete Hansen; Kortner, Trond M.; Kousoulaki, Katerina; Krogdahl, Åshild; Remø, Sofie C.; Sæle, Øystein (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2021)Rognkjeks har et velutviklet tarmsystem, men pH i magen faller først ved 1,0-1,5 gram. Rognkjeksen bør derfor tilbys agglomerert eller kaldekstrudert fôr fram til denne størrelsen. Fôr med 55 % protein, 17 % fett og 6 % ... -
Erucic acid (22:1n-9) in fish feed, farmed, and wild fish and seafood products
Sissener, Nini; Ørnsrud, Robin; Sanden, Monica; Frøyland, Livar; Remø, Sofie C.; Lundebye, Anne-Katrine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published a risk assessment of erucic acid (22:1n-9) in 2016, establishing a Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI) for humans of 7 mg kg−1 body weight per day. This report largely excluded ... -
Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, and Retention in Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar L., Fed Diets with Fermented Sugar Kelp, Saccharina latissima
Sartipiyarahmadi, Sahar; Philip, Antony Jesu Prabhu; Sveier, Harald; Steinsund, Silje; Lock, Erik Jan Robert; Madaro, Angelico; Hansen, Tom Johnny; Wiech, Martin; Strand, Øivind; Jakobsen, Jan Vidar; Van Der Heide, Marleen E.; Nørgaard, Jan Værum; Remø, Sofie C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Using low trophic marine resources such as sugar kelp (Saccharina latissimi) is of great interest to increase the circular food production in the ocean. Sugar kelp does, however, contain high levels of carbohydrates and ... -
Impact of Antioxidant Feed and Growth Manipulation on the Redox Regulation of Atlantic Salmon Smolts
Yin, Peng; Bjørnsson, Bjørn Thrandur; Fjelldal, Per Gunnar; Saito, Takaya; Remø, Sofie C.; Edvardsen, Rolf Brudvik; Hansen, Tom Johnny; Sharma, Sandeep; Olsen, Rolf Erik; Hamre, Kristin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Accumulating evidence indicates a close relationship between oxidative stress and growth rate in fish. However, the underlying mechanisms of this relationship remain unclear. This study evaluated the combined effect of ... -
Oksidativt stress, vårdropp i pigmentering og produksjonslidelser hos laks
Hamre, Kristin; Remø, Sofie C.; Ørnsrud, Robin; Oveland, Eystein; Merel, Sylvain; Waagbø, Rune; Micallef, Giulia; Hillestad, Marie; Johansen, Johan (Rapport fra havforskningen;2019 - 16, Research report, 2019)I lakseoppdrett opplever man noen ganger en reduksjon i pigmentering av fileten i forbindelse med økt vekst i vårsesongen når temperatur og daglengde øker. I EU-prosjektet ARRAINA fant vi økt oksidativ status i fisk samplet ... -
Seasonal Changes in Photoperiod: Effects on Growth and Redox Signaling Patterns in Atlantic Salmon Postsmolts
Yin, Peng; Saito, Takaya; Fjelldal, Per Gunnar; Björnsson, Björn Thrandur; Remø, Sofie C.; Hansen, Tom Johnny; Sharma, Sandeep; Olsen, Rolf-Erik; Hamre, Kristin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Farmed Atlantic salmon reared under natural seasonal changes in sea-cages had an elevated consumption of antioxidants during spring. It is, however, unclear if this response was caused by the increase in day length, ... -
Sequence of formation and inheritance of meristic variation in the post-cranial axial skeleton of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Philip, Antony Jesu Prabhu; Fraser, Thomas; Nordvik, Kari; Remø, Sofie C.; Hansen, Tom Johnny; Witten, Paul Eckhard; Kryvi, Harald; Fjelldal, Per Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Atlantic salmon is an important aquaculture species that has fascinated naturalists for centuries, resulting in its biology being widely characterized. Certain details about the early development and the inheritance of ... -
A transcriptomic analysis of diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon lenses with and without cataracts
Olsvik, Pål Asgeir; Finn, Roderick Nigel; Remø, Sofie C.; Fjelldal, Per Gunnar; Chauvigné, Francois; Glover, Kevin; Hansen, Tom Johnny; Waagbø, Rune (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)To avoid negative environmental impacts of escapees and potential inter-breeding with wild populations, the Atlantic salmon farming industry has and continues to extensively test triploid fish that are sterile. However, ... -
Triploid Atlantic salmon × brown trout hybrids have similar seawater growth and welfare issues as triploid Atlantic salmon, but both were heavier at harvest than their diploid counterparts
Fraser, Thomas; Hansen, Tom Johnny; Remø, Sofie C.; Olsen, Rolf Erik; Fjelldal, Per Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Interspecific hybridisation may improve the farm performance of sterile triploid salmonids via heterosis (i.e. hybrid vigour). We assessed growth over the final 293 days in seawater, and harvest quality, in diploid and ... -
Triploidy effects growth, life history strategies, and bone health in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus), but does not impact cataract incidence
Fraser, Thomas; Hansen, Tom Johnny; Remø, Sofie C.; Fjelldal, Per Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Skeletal deformities and ocular cataracts have limited the farm performance of sterile triploid salmonids, but have not been assessed in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus). We repeatedly radiographed mixed-sex diploid and ... -
Triploidy leads to a mismatch of smoltification biomarkers in the gill and differences in the optimal salinity for post-smolt growth in Atlantic salmon
de Fonseka, Raneesha; Fjelldal, Per Gunnar; Sambraus, Florian; Nilsen, Tom Ole; Remø, Sofie C.; Stien, Lars Helge; Reinardy, Helena; Madaro, Angelico; Hansen, Tom Johnny; Fraser, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Sterile triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) show inconsistent seawater grow-out, but the reason why remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to determine the salinity optima of triploid post-smolts. Diploids and ... -
Water temperature and dietary histidine affect cataract formation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) diploid and triploid yearling smolt
Sambraus, Florian; Fjelldal, Per Gunnar; Remø, Sofie C.; Hevrøy, Ernst Morten; Nilsen, Tom Ole; Thorsen, Anders; Hansen, Tom Johnny; Waagbø, Rune (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)