Browsing Brage IMR by Author "Paxton, C. G. M."
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Cetacean abundance and distribution in European Atlantic shelf waters to inform conservation and management
Hammond, Philip S.; Macleod, Kelly; Berggren, Per; Borchers, David L.; Burt, Louise; Cañadas, Ana; Desportes, Geneviève; Donovan, Greg P.; Gilles, Anita; Gillespie, Douglas; Gordon, Jonathan; Hiby, Lex; Kuklik, Iwona; Leaper, Russell; Lehnert, Kristina; Leopold, Mardik; Lovell, Phil; Øien, Nils; Paxton, C. G. M.; Ridoux, Vincent; Rogan, Emer; Samarra, Filipa; Scheidat, Meike; Sequeira, Marina; Siebert, Ursula; Skov, Henrik; Swift, René; Tasker, Mark L.; Teilmann, Jonas; Van Canneyt, Olivier; Vázquez, José Antonio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-06-11)The European Union (EU) Habitats Directive requires Member States to monitor and maintain at favourable conservation status those species identified to be in need of protection, including all cetaceans. In July 2005 we ... -
Distribution, abundance and trends in abundance of fin and humpback whales in the North Atlantic
Pike, Daniel; Gunnlaugsson, Th.; Øien, Nils; Desportes, Geneviève; Vikingsson, Gísli A.; Paxton, C. G. M.; Bloch, D. (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2005)The North Atlantic Sightings Surveys (NASS) are a series of international cetacean line transect surveys, including participation from the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Norway and Spain, that have been conducted in 1987, 1989, ...