Browsing Brage IMR by Author "Iversen, Svein A."
Now showing items 1-20 of 75
A preliminary study of microstructure in otoliths of seacaught mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) larvae
Iversen, Svein A.; Moksness, Erlend (ICES CM Documents;1990/H:4, Working paper, 1990)Mackerel larvae have been sampled during two cruises south of lrland, in May and June 1989 and preserved in ethanol. The microstructure of the otoliths (sagittae) from the mackerel larvae have been examined. There is a ... -
Changes on horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) catch distribution in the Northeast Atlantic
Borges, Maria Fatima; Silva, Alexandra; Abaunza, Pablo; Eltink, A.; Lucio, Paulino; Walsh, Martin; Poulard, Jean-Charles; Casey, John; Iversen, Svein A.; Skagen, Dankert W.; Sanchez, Francisco (ICES CM Documents;1996/S:26, Working paper, 1996)The distributions of international commercial catch data were mapped by ICES rectangle and quarter from 1983-1994. These indicate a northward expansion of horse mackerel distribution in the Northeast Atlantic since 1987. ... -
Comparison of Northeast Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) distribution patterns in the Norwegian Sea using lidar, sonar, and trawl
Tenningen, Eirik; Godø, Olav Rune; Iversen, Svein A.; Slotte, Aril; Hjellvik, Vidar; Torkelsen, Terje (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2003)In July 2002 the Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Bergen mapped the distribution and density of mackerel in the Norwegian Sea using lidar, sonar and trawl. A major objective was to test the efficiency of the lidar as ... -
Cruise report [14/5 - 9/6, 2007]
Iversen, Svein A. ([Toktrapport/Havforskningsinstituttet];Nr. 14 - 2007, Working paper, 2007-06-09) -
Cruising for krill - in the Southern Ocean with G.O. Sars
Iversen, Svein A.; Myklevoll, Sigmund; Mæstad, Kjartan; Nøttestad, Leif (Book, 2010) -
Development and mortality of cod (Gadus morhua L.) eggs and larvae in different temperatures. In: The propagation of cod Gadus morhua L.: an international symposium, Arendal, 14 - 17 June 1983
Iversen, Svein A.; Danielssen, Didrik S. (Flødevigen rapportserie, Conference object, 1984)This experiment was carried out as a part of a project concerning thermal pollution from a power plant. The paper deals with development and mortality of cod eggs and larvae in different temperatures (6O-18 degrees C). ... -
The development and mortality of mackerel eggs (Scomber scombrus L.) in different temperatures
Danielssen, Didrik S.; Iversen, Svein A. (CES CM Documents;1977/L:19, Working paper, 1977) -
Distribution and abundance of sprat in the North Sea in winter 1979-1980 determined by acoustic methods.
Aglen, Asgeir; Iversen, Svein A. (ICES CM Documents;1980/H:41, Working paper, 1980)To estimate the size of the North Sea sprat stock acoustically two cruises were carried out in November 1979-January 1980. The method is described and the size of the sprat stock was estimated to about 1 million tons. ... -
Distribution of Norwegian spring-spawning herring and mackerel in the Norwegian Sea in late summer, 1991
Holst, Jens Christian; Iversen, Svein A. (ICES CM Documents;1992/H:13, Working paper, 1992)A pairtrawl survey was carried out in the Norwegian Sea during July - August 1991 to map the distribution of pelagic fish. Herring were caught throughout most of the surveyed area, with the largest concentrations observed ... -
Due south. RV "G. O. Sars" braves the notorious southern Ocean in search of swarming Euphasia superba
Iversen, Svein A.; Skaret, Georg (Journal article, 2012-09) -
Dødelighet og vekst i oppvarmet sjøvann hos I-gruppe tunge (Solea solea L.) og krysning av rødspette (Pleuronectes platessa L.) og skrubbe (Platichtys flesus L.)
Danielssen, Didrik S.; Iversen, Svein A. (Fisken og havet - Serie B, Working paper, 1974) -
Egg og larveutvikling hos rødspette (Pleuronectes platessa L.), torsk (Gadus morhua L.) og vårgytende sild (Clupea harengus L.) ved konstante temperaturer.
Danielssen, Didrik S.; Iversen, Svein A. (Fisken og havet - Serie B, Working paper, 1974) -
Egg production and spawning stock size of mackerel in the North Sea [3/6 - 24/6, 2002]
Iversen, Svein A.; Eltink, A. ([Toktrapport/Havforskningsinstituttet];Nr. 12, Working paper, 2002) -
FiSHU@LiS, a Computer Game on a General Pelagic Fish
Hauge, Kjellrun Hiis; Iversen, Svein A. (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2003)Experience has shown that making political decisions that ensure sustainable use of natural resources is difficult. This has raised the question on how to include stakeholders and citizens in decision processes. ViRTU@LiS ... -
Forhøyete temperaturers innvirkning på egg og larver av torsk (Gadus morhua L.) og rødspette (Pleuronectes platessa L.) og larver av vårgytende sild (Clupea harengus L.)
Iversen, Svein A.; Danielssen, Didrik S. (Fisken og havet - Serie B, Working paper, 1977) -
Growth and survival studies on 0-group plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in a small basin with a closed ecosystem
Øiestad, Victor; Iversen, Svein A.; Danielssen, Didrik S. (Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1978)A growth and survival experiment on 0-group plaice was carried out in a small basin during the summer of 1976. The volume of the basin was about 25 m³, and the seawater was left stagnant during the summer. Of the initial ... -
Havets ressurser 2001
Iversen, Svein A. (Fisken og havet, særnummer;1-2001, Research report, 2001-02) -
Havets ressurser 2002
Iversen, Svein A. (Fisken og havet, særnummer;1-2002, Research report, 2002-02) -
Havets ressurser og miljø 2005
Bakketeig, Ingunn; Dommasnes, Are; Føyn, Lars; Haug, Tore; Iversen, Svein A.; Røttingen, Ingolf; Svendsen, Einar; Torstensen, Else (Fisken og havet, særnummer;1-2005, Research report, 2005-05) -
Havets ressurser og miljø 2006
Iversen, Svein A.; Fossum, Petter; Gjøsæter, Harald; Skogen, Morten D.; Toresen, Reidar (Fisken og havet, særnummer;1-2006, Research report, 2006-03)