Browsing Brage IMR by Author "Huse, Ingvar"
Now showing items 1-20 of 38
A multiple approach to behaviour studies of salmon reared in marine net pens
Fernö, Anders; Furevik, Dag M.; Huse, Ingvar; Bjordal, Åsmund (ICES CM Documents;1988/F:15, Working paper, 1988)The behaviour of Atlantic salmon in culture was lnvestigated by various techniques with the ultimate goal of characterlzing the behaviour typical for a situation with rapid growth. Differences in behaviour between and ... -
Acoustic abundance estimation of wintering Norwegian spring spawning herring, with emphasis on methodological aspects
Røttingen, Ingolf; Foote, Kenneth G.; Huse, Ingvar; Ona, Egil (ICES CM Documents;1994/(B+D+G+H):1, Working paper, 1994)The spawning component and part of the juvenile stock of Norwegian spring spawning herring have been wintering in a fjord system in northern Norway in recent years. Conditions for measuring the stock size have been ... -
An attempt to start feed cod larvae with artificial diets
Huse, Ingvar (ICES CM Documents;1981/F:14, Working paper, 1981)Larval cod were fed 8 different diets based on zooplancton and hen's eggs. All but one diets were ingested, but no growth was observed. The failure of the diets to promote growth is thouqht to be related to the low digestive ... -
An automatic feeding system for culturing rotifers with dry feed
Strand, Bernt; Huse, Ingvar (ICES CM Documents;1985/F:42, Working paper, 1985)An automatic feed distribution system for culturing rotifers is described and discussed. The system has been successfully used at the Austevoll Marine Aquaculture Station for 3 years. -
Angular distribution of overwintering Norwegian spring spawning herring
Huse, Ingvar; Foote, Kenneth G.; Ona, Egil; Røttingen, Ingolf (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1994)When plankton production drops off in the fall, adult Norwegian spring spawning herring migrate to two fiords in northern Norway with stable water masses with low temperature and predation. In the wintering areas, the ... -
Behaviour of Atlantic salmon smolts during seaward migration. I: Preliminary report on ultrasonic tracking in a Norwegian fjord system
Holm, Marianne; Huse, Ingvar; Waatevik, Erlend; Døving, Kjell B.; Aure, Jan (ICES CM Documents;1982/M:7, Working paper, 1982) -
Day / night variation in fish directivity in the trawl opening
Huse, Ingvar; Aglen, Asgeir; Engås, Arill; Godø, Olav Rune; West, Charles W. (ICES CM Documents;1994/B:18, Working paper, 1994)Still photographs of fish in the mouth area of a bottom trawl were taken by a downwards-oriented automated strobe camera mounted near the headrope. Fish angles relative to the towing direction were measured. Fish were ... -
Diurnal variations in acoustic density measurements of wintering Norwegian spring spawning herring
Huse, Ingvar; Korneliussen, Rolf J. (ICES CM Documents;1995/B:12, Working paper, 1995)Survey data from six herring assesment cruises in the wintering areas for spring spawning Norwegian herring were analysed with regard to variation in abundance and depth with time of day. The data were quite consistant ... -
Dynamics of wintering Norwegian spring-spawning herring at the entrance to Tysfjorden, December 1996
Huse, Ingvar; Foote, Kenneth G.; Ostrowski, Marek (ICES CM Documents;1997/CC:16, Working paper, 1997)The entrance region to Tysfjorden was acoustically surveyed a total of eleven times during the December 1996 abundance survey of the spawning stock of Norwegian spring-spawning herring (Clupea harengus). The observations ... -
Effects on salmon (Salmo salar) from different operational procedures in fish farming
Bjordal, Åsmund; Fernö, Anders; Furevik, Dag M.; Huse, Ingvar (ICES CM Documents;1988/F:16, Working paper, 1988)The effects on farmed salmon caused by operational procedures as handling, de-lousing, removal of dead fish, grading and transfer were studied by underwater TV-observations, ultrasonic telemetry of heart rate and analyses ... -
Endocrine and nutritional factors affecting the first food uptake by cod larvae
Huse, Ingvar; Walther, Bernt; Opstad, Ingegjerd; Klungsøyr, Leiv (ICES CM Documents;1982/F:17, Working paper, 1982) -
Fish beahaviour studies as an aid to cod and haddock longline hook design.
Huse, Ingvar (ICES CM Documents;1979/B:22, Working paper, 1979)The evolution of the fishing hook to the present form has been very gradual, and only slight alterations have been made since metals became available as material for hooks. This may indicate that the form is close to ... -
Further results of Norwegian longline studies
Huse, Ingvar; Karlsen, Ludvig (ICES CM Documents;1977/B:43, Working paper, 1977) -
Growth of juvenile halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) in captivity
Rabben, Håvard; Huse, Ingvar (ICES CM Documents;1986/F:20, Working paper, 1986)The growth and substrate preference of collected wild juvenile halibut under culture conditions were investigated. The size of the collected fish conformed well with year class data from earlier studies. Halibut growth ... -
Illumination in first feeding tanks for marine fish larvae
Huse, Ingvar; Naas, Kjell Emil; Iglesias, Jose (ICES CM Documents;1992/F:6, Working paper, 1992)Illumination levels were measured in three artificially illuminated tanks: a black tank, a white tank and a tank with black sides and white bottom, in order to test how well normal tank illumination in different tank ... -
Intensive production of cod fry at Austevoll. Final report.
Huse, Ingvar; Jensen, Per Anders; Opstad, Ingegjerd; Otterå, Håkon; Strand, Bernt (ICES CM Documents;1984/F:33, Working paper, 1984)The experiences of this final season of the intensive cod fry production experiment are summed up. The brood stock yielded 369 liters of cod eggs. The production experiment in plastic pens had very high survival, but ... -
Intensive production of cod fry systems and results so far
Huse, Ingvar; Opstad, Ingegjerd; Jensen, Per Anders (ICES CM Documents;1983/F:24, Working paper, 1983) -
Mar-Eco expedition to the mid-Atlantic ridge [4/7 - 5/8, 2004]
Bergstad, Odd Aksel; Huse, Ingvar; Uiblein, Franz; Byrkjedal, Ingrid R.; Dolgov, Andrey V.; Fossen, Inge; Galbraith, John; Høines, Åge S.; King, Nicola; Klimpel, Sven; Menezes, Gui; Orlov, Alexei; Santos, Ricardo S.; Vecchione, Michael; Youngbluth, Marsh J.; Hosia, Aino; Sørnes, Tom; Stemmann, Lars; Gebruk, Audrey V.; Priede, Monty; Kemp, Kirsty; Knudsen, Øyvind ([Toktrapport/Havforskningsinstituttet];Nr. 20 - 2004, Working paper, 2004) -
Merking, observasjoner og atferdsstudier av hval i Barentshavet og ved Svalbard i 1974 og 1975 ;
Benjaminsen, Terje; Berlund, Jørgen; Christensen, Dag; Christensen, Ivar; Huse, Ingvar; Sandnes, Otto (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1976)In 1974 and 1975 a total of 188 minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata)and 14 humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) have been marked in the Barents Sea and at Svalbard. In addition 2 minke whales have been tagged north ...