Browsing Brage IMR by Author "Holm, Marianne"
Now showing items 1-20 of 39
Aggression and growth of atlantic salmon in different stocking densities
Fernö, Anders; Holm, Marianne; Roald, Sverre Ola (ICES CM Documents;1976/E:37, Working paper, 1976) -
Aggression and growth of Atlantic salmon parr. II. Different populations in pure and mixed groups
Holm, Marianne; Fernö, Anders (Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1986)The aggressive behaviour and growth of different populations of Atlantic salmon parr and the possible effect of fin-clipping on these traits were studied. Each of three 2001 aquaria was stocked with 90 unmarked hatchery ... -
Aggression and growth of different populations of Atlantic salmon parr
Holm, Marianne; Fernö, Anders (ICES CM Documents;1978/M:24, Working paper, 1978)In order to study aggression and growth of salmon parr of different populations and the possible effect of fin-clipping on these traits hatchery reared parr originating from three populations (2 Norwegian, 1 Swedish) were ... -
Behaviour of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) recorded by data storage tags in the NE Atlantic – implications for interception by pelagic trawls
Holm, Marianne; Jacobsen, Jan Arge; Sturlaugsson, Johannes; Holst, Jens Christian (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2006)In a project carried out in the Nordic Seas (Northeast Atlantic) in 2002 - 2004, 413 Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) were tagged with data storage tags (DST) either logging temperature and depth (StarOddi, Milli) or ... -
Behaviour of Atlantic salmon smolts during seaward migration. I: Preliminary report on ultrasonic tracking in a Norwegian fjord system
Holm, Marianne; Huse, Ingvar; Waatevik, Erlend; Døving, Kjell B.; Aure, Jan (ICES CM Documents;1982/M:7, Working paper, 1982) -
Behaviour of saithe penned in different densities.
Holm, Marianne; Beltestad, Arvid K.; Chruickshank, O. (ICES CM Documents;1980/B:26, Working paper, 1980)In Norway purse seine catches of live saithe are towed to the coast and kept in net pens until the fish can be processed by the fishing industry. During penning - especially during "short-time" penning - the quality of ... -
Capture and handling of fish for electronic tagging - a review and a new non-intrusive capture method.
Holm, Marianne; Arnold, Geoff P.; Holst, Jens Christian; Midling, Kjell (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1999)While tagging procedures are described in details the capture and handling of experimental fish prior to tagging is not given the same attention in most papers. However, traumas that originate from the capture and handling ... -
Coastal releases of Atlantic salmon, a new model for salmon ranching in Norway
Holm, Marianne; Jørstad, Knut Eirik; Skilbrei, Ove; Pedersen, Tom N.; Skaala, Øystein; Nortvedt, Ragnar (ICES CM Documents;1991/M:38, Working paper, 1991)The present project is launched within the frame of a 7 year government funded programme to establish an additional livelihood for the coastal regions. The aim of the study is, through controlled experiments, to find ... -
Comparative growth studies, II
Møller, Dag; Bjerk, Øyvind; Holm, Marianne (ICES CM Documents;1976/E:36, Working paper, 1976)Atlantic salmon smolts of Norwegian and Swedish (Baltic) origin and rainbow trout fingerlings were stocked in floating pens at several farms along the Norwegian coast. The fish were counted, measured and weighed with approx. ... -
The early marine distribution of Atlantic salmon in the North-east Atlantic: A genetically informed stock-specific synthesis
Gilbey, John; Utne, Kjell Rong; Wennevik, Vidar; Beck, Alexander Christian; Kausrud, Kyrre Linné; Hindar, Kjetil; de Leaniz, Carlos Garcia; Cherbonnel, Corrine; Coughlan, Jamie; Cross, Tom F.; Dillane, Eileen; Ensing, Dennis; García-Vázquez, Eva; Hole, Lars Robert; Holm, Marianne; Holst, Jens Christian; Jacobsen, Jan Arge; Jensen, Arne Johan; Karlsson, Sten; Ó Maoiléidigh, Niall; Mork, Kjell Arne; Nielsen, Einar Eg; Nøttestad, Leif; Primmer, Craig R.; Prodöhl, Paulo; Prusov, Sergey; Stevens, Jamie R.; Thomas, Katie; Whelan, Ken; McGinnity, Philip; Verspoor, Eric (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The survival of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), an increasingly rare anadromous species, has declined dramatically during its marine phase, with disproportionate impacts on the poorly understood early post-smolt period. ... -
Effects of pre-release acclimatization period on salmon return rates
Skilbrei, Ove; Holm, Marianne; Jakobsen, Per J. (ICES CM Documents;1995/M:13, Working paper, 1995)42.000 1+smolts of Atlantic salmon were size graded into two size groups and released during three weeks in spring 1993; one group of small and one of large smolts on each of the four release days. Approximately 25% of ... -
Erfaring med bruk av ytre merker på oppdrettsfisk
Nævdal, Gunnar; Holm, Marianne; Knutsson, Sten (Fisken og havet - Serie B, Working paper, 1977) -
An experiment with migrating smolt of atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Knutsson, Sten; Holm, Marianne (ICES CM Documents;1977/E:61, Working paper, 1977) -
Experiments with selective breeding of Atlantic salmon
Nævdal, Gunnar; Holm, Marianne; Møller, Dag (ICES CM Documents;1975/M:22, Working paper, 1975) -
Forskjell i trypsin-isozym hos laks har effekt på veksten i havet
Torrissen, Krisna Rungruangsak; Stensholt, Boonchai K.; Holm, Marianne (Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1999) -
Growth rate and age at sexual maturity of Atlantic salmon smoltifying aged one and two years
Nævdal, Gunnar; Bjerk, Øyvind; Holm, Marianne; Lerøy, Rita; Møller, Dag (Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1979)Post-smolt growth rate and age at first maturation are compared for sib groups or population groups of salmon originating from Norwegian rivers and fish farms. Generally, high correlations were found between corresponding ... -
Growth rate and age at sexual maturity of Atlantic salmon smoltifying at one and two years of age
Nævdal, Gunnar; Bjerk, Øyvind; Holm, Marianne; Lerøy, Rita; Møller, Dag (ICES CM Documents;1978/F:23, Working paper, 1978)Postsmolt growth rate and age at first maturation are compared for sibgroup or population groups of salmon originating from Norwegian rivers and fish farms. Generally high correlations were found between corresponding ... -
Havbeite med laks
Holm, Marianne (Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1991) -
Havbeite med laks etter "Kystmodellen"
Skilbrei, Ove; Holm, Marianne; Juell, Jon-Erik (Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1994) -
Health screening of wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from the Osterfjorden-area, western Norway
Holm, Marianne; Hjeltnes, Brit K.; Mortensen, Stein H.; Hopp, P. (ICES CM Documents;1991/M:39, Working paper, 1991)Wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were captured in four rivers in western Norway in 1989 and 1990. These were used as broodstock fish in a sea ranching project. In 1989 virological and bacteriological examinations of ...