Browsing Brage IMR by Author "Haug, Tore"
Now showing items 1-20 of 93
A preliminary note on the ecology of eggs and larvae of the Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus)
Haug, Tore; Kjørsvik, Elin; Sundet, Jan H. (ICES CM Documents;1982/G:9, Working paper, 1982) -
A preliminary report on the migration and recruitment to the commercial stock of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in the Svalbard area.
Godø, Olav Rune; Haug, Tore (ICES CM Documents;1985/G:18, Working paper, 1985) -
A preliminary report on the natural occurrence and ecology of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) postlarvae and young immature stages
Haug, Tore; Sundby, Svein (ICES CM Documents;1987/F:38, Working paper, 1987)Surveys designed to capture Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, postlarvae and young immatures were carried out around Sørøya in North Norway in 1985, 1986 and 1987. Hydrographical conditions and the current ... -
A research proposal to evaluate the ecological importance of minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) in the northeast Atlantic
Haug, Tore; Gjøsæter, Harald; Nordøy, Erling S.; Schweder, Tore (ICES CM Documents;1992/N:8, Working paper, 1992) -
A review of the battle for food in the Barents Sea: cod vs. marine mammals
Bogstad, Bjarte; Gjøsæter, Harald; Haug, Tore; Lindstrøm, Ulf (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-03-25)Cod, harp seal and minke whale are the main top predators in the Barents Sea ecosystem. In the last decade, the abundance of cod has increased considerably, and is at a record high level. In spite of this, the growth and ... -
A review of the distribution, migrations, food, reproduction, exploitation and present abundance of humpback whales (Megatera novaeangliae) in the northeast Atlantic
Christensen, Ivar; Haug, Tore; Øien, Nils (ICES CM Documents;1990/N:10, Working paper, 1990)Most available knowledge about northeast Atlantic humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) is based on information and experience gained during the pioneer period of modern whaling in Norwegian waters in 1868-1904 when ... -
Arctic seals as tracers of environmental and ecological change.
De la Vega, C.; Mahaffey, C.; Tuerena, R.E.; Yurkowski, D.J.; Ferguson, S.H.; Stenson, G.B.; Nordøy, E.S.; Haug, Tore; Biuw, Martin; Smout, S.; Hopkins, J.; Tagliabue, A.; Jeffreys, R.M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Knowledge of species trophic position (TP) is an essential component of ecosystem management. Determining TP from stable nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) in predators requires understanding how these tracers vary across environments ... -
Body mass, muscle, blubber and visceral fat content and their seasonal, spatial and temporal variability in North Atlantic common minke whales
Gunnlaugsson, Thorvaldur; Vikingsson, Gísli A.; Halldórsson, Sverri Daníel; Elvarsson, Bjarki Þór; Haug, Tore; Lydersen, Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The exponent for predicting total body mass from length has been studied in many species and here data on common minke whales from areas in the North Atlantic is added from both Icelandic and Norwegian research catches. ... -
Categorical data analysis using discretization of continuous variables to investigate associations in marine ecosystems
Solvang, Hiroko Kato; Imori, Shinpei; Biuw, Martin; Lindstrøm, Ulf Ove; Haug, Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Understanding and predicting interactions between predators and prey and their environment are fundamental for understanding food web structure, dynamics, and ecosystem function in both terrestrial and marine ecosystems. ... -
Climate change and effects on the Barents Sea marine living resources : 15th Russian-Norwegian Symposium Longyearbyen, 7-8 September 2011
Haug, Tore; Dolgov, Andrey V.; Drevetnyak, Konstantin; Røttingen, Ingolf; Sunnanå, Knut; Titov, Oleg V. (IMR/PINRO Joint Report Series;2/2011, Research report, 2011-12) -
Climate change and effects on the Barents Sea marine living resources : 15th Russian-Norwegian Symposium Longyearbyen, 7-8 September 2011
Haug, Tore; Dolgov, Andrey V.; Drevetnyak, Konstantin; Røttingen, Ingolf; Sunnanå, Knut; Titov, Oleg V. (IMR/PINRO Joint Report Series;2/2011, Research report, 2011-12) -
Diet and food availability for Northeast Atlantic minke whales Balaenoptera acutorostrata
Haug, Tore; Lindstrøm, Ulf; Nilssen, Kjell Tormod; Røttingen, Ingolf; Skaug, Hans Julius (ICES CM Documents;1995/N:19, Working paper, 1995)Ecological studies of the Northeast Atlantic minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostra) were carried out during spring (mainly April-May), summer (June-July) and autumn (AugustSeptember) in 1993 and 1994. Four small-type ... -
Diet of harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) feeding between the breeding and moulting seasons in the southern Barents and White Seas
Nilssen, Kjell Tormod; Haug, Tore; Potelov, Vladimir; Stasenkov, Vladimir (ICES CM Documents;1993/N:8, Working paper, 1993)The harp seal Phoca groenlandica is the most abundant seal species in the Barents Sea. In order to evaluate the ecological importance of the species, diet studies have recently been carried out at various times of the ... -
Diets of hooded seals in coastal and drift ice waters along the east coast of Greenland
Haug, Tore; Nilssen, Kjell Tormod; Lindblom, Lotta; Lindstrøm, Ulf (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2005)To provide data on the feeding habits of hooded (Cystophora cristata) seals in the Greenland Sea, seals were collected for scientific purposes on expeditions with R/V”Jan Mayen”, conducted in the pack ice belt east of ... -
Distribution of rorquals and Atlantic cod in relation to their prey in the Norwegian high Arctic
Solvang, Hiroko K.; Haug, Tore; Knutsen, Tor; Gjøsæter, Harald; Bogstad, Bjarte; Hartvedt, Siri; Øien, Nils; Lindstrøm, Ulf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Recent warming in the Barents Sea has led to changes in the spatial distribution of both zooplankton and fish, with boreal communities expanding northwards. A similar northward expansion has been observed in several rorqual ... -
Emerging and legacy contaminants in common minke whale from the Barents sea
Andvik, Clare Margaret; Haug, Tore; Lyche, Jan Ludvig; Borgå, Katrine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Persistent organic pollutants (POPs), including brominated flame retardants (BFRs), perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and metals, can accumulate in marine mammals and be transferred to offspring. In this study, we analyzed ... -
Emerging and legacy contaminants in common minke whale from the Barents sea
Andvik, Clare Margaret; Haug, Tore; Lyche, Jan Ludvig; Borgå, Katrine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Persistent organic pollutants (POPs), including brominated flame retardants (BFRs), perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and metals, can accumulate in marine mammals and be transferred to offspring. In this study, we analyzed ... -
Estimating Abundance of Seals in a Drifting Environment: 2005: Pup Production of Harp Seals, Pagophilus groenlandicus, in the Northwest Atlantic
Stenson, Garry B.; Hammill, Michael O.; Lawson, J.; Gosselin, J.F.; Haug, Tore (ICES CM Documents;2005/R:06, Working paper, 2005)Photographic and visual aerial surveys to determine current pup production of northwest Atlantic harp seals were conducted off Newfoundland and Labrador (the “Front”), and in the Gulf of St. Lawrence during March 2004. ... -
Estimation of harp seal pup production in the Greenland Sea using spatial analysis on aerial survey data
Salberg, Arnt-Børre; Stenson, Garry B.; Haug, Tore; Nilssen, Kjell Tormod (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2005)From 14 March to 6 April 2002 aerial surveys were carried out in the Greenland Sea packice to assess the pup production of the Greenland Sea population of harp seals Pagophilus groenlandicus. One xed-wing twin-engined ... -
Estimation of hooded seal pup production in the Greenland Sea pack-ice during the 2005 whelping season
Haug, Tore; Nilssen, Kjell Tormod; Frie, Anne Kirstine; Lindblom, Lotta; Poltermann, Michael; Salberg, Arnt-Børre; Skavberg, Nils Erik; Fagerheim, Kjell Arne ([Toktrapport/Havforskningsinstituttet];Nr. 10 - 2005, Working paper, 2005)