Blar i Brage IMR på forfatter "Dannevig, Alf"
Faktorer av betydning for fiskeeggenes og fiskeyngelens oppvekst
Dannevig, Alf; Hansen, Sigfred (Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1952)During the last 10 years we have been experimenting in the laboratory at the Flødevigen Sea-Fish Hatchery with the rearing of several species of salt-water fishes. The intention has been to bring about better methods ... -
Fiskeegg og yngel i Lofoten
Dannevig, Alf (Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations;vol 3 no 3, Research report, 1919) -
Hummer og Hummerkultur
Dannevig, Alf (Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1936) -
The Influence of Temperature on the Formation of Zones in Scales and Otoliths of Young Cod
Dannevig, Alf (Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1956)From 27th October 1954 to 23rd February 1955 0-group cod from the littoral region at Flødevigen were kept in aquaria, and furnished with running sea-water of different temperatures: A: The temperature was normal for the ... -
The Influence of the Environment on Number of Vertebrae in Plaice
Dannevig, Alf (Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1950) -
The Littoral Cod of the Norwegian Skagerak Coast
Dannevig, Alf (ICES CM Documents;1953/8, Working paper, 1953) -
Lobster - Oyster
Dannevig, Alf (ICES CM Documents;, Working paper, 1949) -
On the Age and Growth of the Cod (Gadus callarias L.) from the Norwegian Skagerrack Coast
Dannevig, Alf (Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations, Research report, 1933) -
On the Age and Growth of the Pollack (Gadus pollachius L.) from the Norwegian Skagerrack Coast
Dannevig, Alf; Sørensen, Adolf (Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1933) -
On the growth of the cod and the formation of annual zones in the scales
Dannevig, Alf (Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations;vol 3 no 6, Research report, 1925) -
The propagation of our common fishes during the cold winter 1924 : investigations on the Norwegian Skagerrak coast
Dannevig, Alf (Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations;vol 3 no 10, Research report, 1930) -
The Propagation of the Common Food Fishes on the Norwegian Skager Rack Coast, with Notes on the Hydrography
Dannevig, Alf (Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1940)The Skager Rack coast of Norway is characterized by narrow coastal banks, a well developed system of skerries and small fjords. Intensive fishing is carried on, mackerel, herring, cod and some other Gadidoid fish, etc., ... -
The rearing of lobster larvae at Flødevigen
Dannevig, Alf (Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine Investigations;vol 3 no 9, Research report, 1928) -
Undersøkelser i Oslofjorden 1936-1940 - Egg og yngel av vårgytende fiskearter
Dannevig, Alf (Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, serie havundersøkelser, Research report, 1945)In recent years the Oslo fjord has been made the subject of a more intense study as regards the hydrographical and biological conditions. The fjord is 55 naut. miles long, and is divided into several basins by narrows ... -
The Variation in Growth of young Codfishes from the Norwegian Skager Rack Coast : Cod Scales as Indicator of Local Stocks
Dannevig, Alf (Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, Serie Havundersøkelser, Research report, 1949)