Browsing Brage IMR by Author "Asplin, Lars"
Now showing items 1-20 of 87
A gap analysis on modelling of sea lice infection pressure from salmonid farms. II. Identifying and ranking knowledge gaps: output of an international workshop
Murphy, Joanne M.; Moriarty, Meadhbh; Brooker, Adam J.; Waites, William; Revie, Crawford W.; Adams, Thomas P.; Lewis, Matt; Reinardy, Helena Christine; Phelan, John P.; Coyle, Johnny P.; Rabe, Berit; Ives, Stephen C.; Armstrong, John D.; Sandvik, Anne Dagrun; Asplin, Lars; Karlsen, Ørjan; Garnier, Soizic; Norði, Gunnvør á; Gillibrand, Philip A.; Last, Kim S.; Murray, Alexander G. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Sea lice are a major health hazard for farmed Atlantic salmon in Europe, and their impact is felt globally. Given the breadth of ongoing research in sea lice dispersal and population modelling, and focus on research-led ... -
AkvaVis - dynamisk GIS-verktøy for lokalisering av oppdrettsanlegg for nye oppdrettsarter : miljøkrav for nye oppdrettsarter og laks
Ervik, Arne; Agnalt, Ann-Lisbeth; Asplin, Lars; Aure, Jan; Bekkvik, Tor Christian; Døskeland, Inge; Hageberg, Anne Ansnes; Hansen, Tom; Karlsen, Ørjan; Oppedal, Frode; Strand, Øivind (Fisken og havet, Research report, 2008)AkvaVis is a dynamic GIS tool for siting fish farms, and this report describes a prototype version for mussel farms. AkvaVis combines mappable characteristics such as depth, currents and distance from other objects, and ... -
Are Norwegian fjords important spawning areas for anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius)?
Bjelland, Otte; Asplin, Lars (ICES CM documents;2007/K:17, Working paper, 2007)The knowledge about anglerfish spawning in the northeastern Atlantic is limited. Mature females are rarely seen in the major commercial fisheries within the area, and the general perception has been that the main spawning ... -
Assessment of Fish Spawning in the North Sea; Final Project Report of KINO-2, 2017–2021
Krafft, Bjørn Arne; Mateos-Rivera, Alejandro; Mozfar, Bahar; Skern-Mauritzen, Rasmus; Dahle, Geir; Sundby, Svein; Thorsen, Anders; Asplin, Lars; Wehde, Henning (Rapport fra havforskningen;2021 - 17, Research report, 2021)Increased and updated knowledge of reproductive strategies of fish is crucial to optimize the temporal and spatial planning for conducting seismic surveys; in order to reduce its potential negative ecosystems impacts. The ... -
Climatic and environmental factors influencing occurrence and distribution of macroalgae – a fjord gradient revisited
Sjøtun, Kjersti; Husa, Vivian; Asplin, Lars; Sandvik, Anne Dagrun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-07-21)During the last decades, trends of increasing sea water temperatures and precipitation have been observed in the North Atlantic. Increasing sea water temperatures are expected to have strong effects on coastal benthic ... -
Climatic and environmental factors influencing occurrence and distribution of macroalgae – a fjord gradient revisited
Sjøtun, Kjersti; Husa, Vivian; Asplin, Lars; Sandvik, Anne Dagrun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015) -
Currents on the northern shelf of the Yellow Sea
Lin, Fan; Asplin, Lars; Budgell, William Paul; Wei, Hao; Fang, Jianguang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The currents of the northern shelf of the Yellow Sea are investigated using observations of current and hydrography and numerical current model results. The Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS) with a horizontal resolution ... -
Description and validation of a three-dimensional numerical model of the nordic and Barents Seas
Asplin, Lars; Ingvaldsen, Randi; Loeng, Harald; Ådlandsvik, Bjørn (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1998)As a part of the VEINS project, IMR carries out both a numerical model study of the seasonal and interannual variability of the flow through the Barents Sea and an observational programme at the Bear Island-Fugløya ... -
Dispersion of salmon lice in the Hardangerfjord
Asplin, Lars; Johnsen, Ingrid A.; Sandvik, Anne Dagrun; Albretsen, Jon; Sundfjord, Vibeke; Aure, Jan; Boxaspen, Karin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-10-15)The abundance of salmon lice in the Hardangerfjord is potentially large enough to be a threat to the wild fish stocks of the fjord. The salmon louse spends a period of 2–4 weeks in its planktonic stages drifting in the ... -
An ecosystem modeling approach to predicting cod recruitment
Svendsen, Einar; Skogen, Morten D.; Budgell, W. Paul; Huse, Geir; Stiansen, Jan Erik; Ådlandsvik, Bjørn; Vikebø, Frode; Asplin, Lars; Sundby, Svein (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2006)Abstract The NORWECOM ocean model system implemented with the ROMS ocean circulation model has been run to simulate conditions over the last 25 years for the North Atlantic. Modelled time series of volume fluxes, primary ... -
Effects of insufficient vertical resolution in a 3d coastal ocean model
Asplin, Lars (Fisken og havet, Research report, 1999)The consequences of not resolving vertical gradients (of velocity or density) in a three- dimensional numerical model are investigated. The results show that the effects of insufficient vertical resolution are significant ... -
Effekten av nasjonale laksefjorder på risikoen for lakselusinfeksjon hos vill laksefisk langs norskekysten. Midtevaluering av ordningen med nasjonale laksefjorder
Bjørn, Pål Arne; Finstad, Bengt; Asplin, Lars; Johnsen, Ingrid Askeland; Nilsen, Rune; Serra-Llinares, Rosa Maria; Lindstrøm, Ulf; Helland, Ingeborg Palm; Berg, Marius; Harbitz, Alf (Rapport fra Havforskningen;Nr. 19-2013, Working paper, 2013) -
Effekten av nasjonale laksefjorder på risikoen for lakselusinfestasjon hos vill laksefisk langs norskekysten - Sluttrapportering av ordningen med nasjonale laksefjorder
Karlsen, Ørjan; Asplin, Lars; Finstad, Bengt; Sandvik, Anne Dagrun; Serra-Llinares, Rosa Maria; Johnsen, Ingrid Askeland; Nilsen, Rune; Berg, Marius; Uglem, Ingebrigt; Bjørn, Pål Arne (Fisken og Havet;2-2018, Research report, 2018)I 2007 ble 29 nasjonale laksefjorder opprettet. Disse er ment å gi et utvalg av de viktigste laksebestandene i Norge en særlig beskyttelse, inkludert mot oppdrettsvirksomhet i nærliggende fjord og kystområder. En statistisk ... -
Enhancement of mussel culture by artificial upwelling of nutrient-rich deep water in fjords
Aure, Jan; Strohmeier, Tore; Strand, Øivind; Asplin, Lars (ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2004) -
Evaluation of a national operational salmon lice monitoring system - from physics to fish
Myksvoll, Mari Skuggedal; Sandvik, Anne Dagrun; Albretsen, Jon; Asplin, Lars; Johnsen, Ingrid Askeland; Karlsen, Ørjan; Kristensen, Nils Melsom; Melsom, Arne; Skardhamar, Jofrid; Ådlandsvik, Bjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The Norwegian government has decided that the aquaculture industry shall grow, provided that the growth is environmentally sustainable. Sustainability is scored based on the mortality of wild salmonids caused by the parasitic ... -
Fant lite lakselus under villaksens utvandring i 2009 : Reduced levels of salmon lice found during wild salmon migration in 2009
Asplin, Lars; Sandvik, Anne Dagrun; Boxaspen, Karin (Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 2009)When the Atlantic salmon migrate to the sea during spring and early summer, the levels of salmon lice are recorded in selected fjord systems. In 2009, in both the Hardangerfjord and the Hjeltefjord, the levels of salmon ... -
FJORDCULT : økt biologisk produksjon i fjorder ved kunstig oppstrømming av dypvann
Aure, Jan; Erga, Svein Rune; Asplin, Lars (Fisken og havet, Research report, 2000)Our investigations show that artificial upwelling of nutrient rich waters in fiords, using a submerged fresh water discharge, have a potential to increase the algae production by a factor of 3-4 after the spring bloom and ... -
Forslag til førstegenerasjons målemetode for miljøeffekt (effektindikatorer) med hensyn til genetisk påvirkning fra oppdrettslaks til villaks, og påvirkning av lakselus fra oppdrett på viltlevende laksefiskbestander
Taranger, Geir Lasse; Svåsand, Terje; Bjørn, Pål Arne; Jansen, P.A.; Heuch, P. A.; Grøntvedt, Randi Nygaard; Asplin, Lars; Skilbrei, Ove; Glover, Kevin A.; Skaala, Øystein; Wennevik, Vidar; Boxaspen, Karin (Rapport fra Havforskningen;Nr. 13 - 2012, Working paper, 2012)Havforskningsinstituttet (HI) har sammen med Veterinærinstituttet (VI) utarbeidet forslag til førstegenerasjons målemetode for miljøeffekt (effektindikatorer) med hensyn til genetisk påvirkning fra oppdrettslaks til ... -
Fysisk oseanografiske forhold i produksjonsområdene for akvakultur
Albretsen, Jon; Asplin, Lars (Rapport fra havforskningen;Nr. 11 - 2017, Research report, 2017) -
Fysisk oseanografiske forhold i produksjonsområdene for akvakultur - oppdatering september 2019
Albretsen, Jon; Asplin, Lars (Rapport fra havforskningen;2019 - 54, Research report, 2019)Rapporten beskriver det fysiske miljøet med fokus på vanntemperatur og saltholdighet, sistnevnte gjennom tidsserier av modellert overflatesaltholdighet og ferskvannsavrenning for perioden 2012-2019. Sjøtemperatur påvirker ...