Browsing Brage IMR by Title
Now showing items 11204-11223 of 11646
Vaccination against Vibrio salmoncida results from three laboratory trials
(ICES CM Documents;1987/F:24, Working paper, 1987)Atlantic salmon smolts (Salmo salar) were vaccinated with a bacterin made from formalin-killed Vibrio salmonicida. In laboratory trials, fish vaccinated once showed little or no protection after challenge. Fish vaccinated ... -
Vaccination of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) against vibriosis
(ICES CM Documents;1988/F:13, Working paper, 1988)Arctic char of six different strains have been vaccinated against vibriosis and a relative protection (RPP) of 98% was demonstrated by waterborne challenge. This species is highly susceptible to vibriosis and the gross ... -
Vaccination with ectoparasite proteins involved in midgut function and blood digestion reduces salmon louse infestations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Infestation with the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Copepoda, Caligidae) affects Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) production in European aquaculture. Furthermore, high levels of salmon lice in farms significantly ... -
Vacuolating encephalopathy and retinopathy associated with a nodavirus-like agent: a probable cause of mass mortality of cultured larval and juvenile Atlantic halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1997-05-22)Reared larval and juvenile Atlantic halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus collected during incidences of mass mortality in 2 hatcheries were studied by light and electron microscopy. A vacuolating encephalopathy and retinopathy ... -
Vaksinasjon av marin yngel
(Havforskningsnytt, Working paper, 1993) -
Validating Finescale Parameterizations for the Eastern Arctic Ocean Internal Wave Field
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In the Arctic Ocean, vertical transport of heat by turbulent mixing is ultimately coupled to the sea-ice cover, with immediate and far-reaching impacts on the climate and ecosystem. Unfortunately, direct observations of ... -
Validating results from the model ROMS (Regional Ocean Modelling System), with respect to volume transports and heat fluxes in the Nordic Seas
(Fisken og havet, Research report, 2006)En 25 års modellsimulering med modellen ROMS (Regional Oceans Modelling System) er validert ved en kvantitativ sammenligning mellom modellresultater og observasjoner av temperatur og volumtransporter i De nordiske hav. I ... -
Validating three methods for making probability statements in fisheries forecasts.
(ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2000)We report on a test of three methods that have been used by ICES in making probability statements about fisheries forecasts to management agencies (XSA/WGMTERM, ICA/ICP, and a stochastic projection method that was first ... -
Validation and Determination of 25(OH) Vitamin D and 3-Epi25(OH)D3 in Breastmilk and Maternal- and Infant Plasma during Breastfeeding
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women and their offspring may result in unfavorable health outcomes for both mother and infant. A 25hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) level of at least 75 nmol/L is recommended by the Endocrine ... -
Validation and reproducibility of a new iodine specific food frequency questionnaire for assessing iodine intake in Norwegian pregnant women
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Iodized salt is not mandatory in Norway, and the permitted level of iodine in table salt is low (5 μg/g). Thus, milk and dairy products, fish and eggs are the main dietary sources of iodine in Norway. Mild-to-moderate ... -
Validation and sensitivity study of a Sigma-coordinate ocean model using the Skagex dataset
(ICES CM Documents;1996/C:5, Working paper, 1996)Numerical ocean models are now being applied in numerous oceanographic studies. However, standards and procedures for evaluation of these models are far from established. In this paper the use of data from hydrographical ... -
Validation of a 3-D Biophysical Model using Nutrient Observations in the North Sea
(ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1998) -
Validation of a Liquid–Liquid Extraction Method to Study the Temporal Production of D-Series Resolvins by Head Kidney Cells from Atlantic Salmon (Salmon salar) Exposed to Docosahexaenoic Acid
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)A simple and rapid method for the extraction of D-series resolvins (RvD1, RvD2, RvD3, RvD4, RvD5) released into Leibovitz’s L-15 complete medium by head kidney cells from Atlantic salmon and the further determination of ... -
Validation of age estimation in the Harp seal, Phoca groenlandica, using dentinal annuli
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1983)We investigated the validity and accuracy of age estimation in harp seals, Phoca groenlandica, using a sample of 155 known-age teeth from seals age 3 mo to 10 yr. Under transmitted light, transverse sections of harp seal ... -
Validation of pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) on Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in a Greenland fjord
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Traditional tagging techniques are simple and cost-effective, but inferences require recaptures and data on movement/migration are limited to a start and end position at unpredictable intervals. Pop-up satellite archival ... -
Validation of the NORWECOM hindcast
(Lecture, 2011-02-17) -
Validation of three-dimensional hydrodynamic models in the Gulf of Finland based on a statistical analysis of a six-model ensemble
(ICES CM documents;2008/L:06, Working paper, 2008)Six three-dimensional hydrodynamic models were compared in their simulations of the hydrographic features of the Gulf of Finland in the Baltic Sea in the summer-autumn period of 1996. Validation was undertaken using more ... -
Validation of three-dimensional hydrodynamic models of the Gulf of Finland
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-10)A model-intercomparison study was conducted, the first of its kind for the Baltic Sea, whose aim was to systematically simulate the basic three-dimensional hydrographic properties of a realistic, complex basin. Simulations ... -
Validering av optimale mikronæringsstoff-nivå i laksefôr - ASSESSFEED
(Rapport fra havforskningen;21-2018, Research report, 2018)ASSESSFEED er et prosjekt utgått fra EU-prosjektet ARRAINA, med målsetning å validere nye anbefalinger for tilsetning av mikronæringsstoffer, særlig vannløselige vitaminer, i laksefôr. Det ble kjørt et fôingsforsøk der ... -
The value of applying commercial fishers' experience to designed surveys for identifying characteristics of essential fish habitat for adult summer flounder
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008-06)Identifying the habitat requirements of marine fish is necessary to conserve and manage their populations, but these requirements are poorly understood for many species. One method of screening for important habitat ...