Browsing Brage IMR by Title
Now showing items 5626-5645 of 11646
An object-based approach to integration of software to support management and reporting of marine ecosystem survey data
(ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2006)An object-based software to support distributed databases and data reporting from combined fisheries and environmental surveys is presented. The key abstraction of this system is expressed as a generic station (data) object. ... -
Observasjoner av marin fauna fra fjernstyrt undervannsfarkost
(Fisken og havet, Research report, 1991)A cable-operated ROV, equipped with a CIT super sensitive videocamera and a 330 kHz scanning sonar, was used in trials to observe marine fauna during three periodes in 1988 (spring, autumn and winter). The vehicle was ... -
Observasjoner i faste oseanografiske snitt fram til år 2012
(Research report, 2012-06)Dette heftet gir en oversikt over faste snitt som Havforskningsinstituttet har dekket fram t.o.m. år 2011. Havforskningsinstituttet har gjennom årene gjort observasjoner langs tallrike mer eller mindre faste kurser. En ... -
Observation of fish behaviour, density and distribution around a surveying vessel by means of a deployable echo sounder system
(ICES CM Documents;1999/J:9, Working paper, 1999)Detailed acoustic observations of fish behaviour, distribution and density in the trawl area are necessary in order to establish quantitative relationships between trawl samples and fish density. Acoustic observation ... -
Observation of fish behaviour, density and distribution around a surveying vessel by means of a deployable echo sounder system
(ICES CM documents, Working paper, 1999)Detailed acoustic obsewations of fish behaviour, distribution and density in the trawl area are necessary in order to establish quantitative relationships between trawl samples and fish density. Acoustic observation close ... -
Observation on distribution and migration of Micromesistius poutassou (Risso, 1810) in the Northeast Atlantic
(ICES CM Documents;1971/H:26, Working paper, 1971) -
Observational insights into chlorophyll distributions of subtropical South Indian Ocean eddies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
Observations from the Barents Sea in spring 1973 on the discarding of cod and haddock caught in bottom and midwater trawls fitted with double cod ends
(ICES CM Documents;1974/F:45, Working paper, 1974) -
Observations of abundance, stock composition, body size and food of postsmolts of Atlantic salmon in the NE Atlantic during summer
(ICES CM Documents;1996/M:4, Working paper, 1996)Postsmolt Atlantic salmon were caught during pelagic trawl surveys in the Norwegian Sea in July-August, 1991 and 1995, and off the Hebrides in May-June 1995. Using the swept area technique abundance estimates of postmolts ... -
Observations of cod behaviour reveal insights into the function and properties of the swimbladder under pressure
(ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2006)Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) is a highly adaptive boreal species with a broad distribution through different ecosystems in the North Atlantic. Diet, environmental factors and population dynamics vary enormously ... -
Observations of cod reaction to trawling noise
(Working paper, 1988-04)Observations made from a stationary echo sounder, passed by a trawling vessel, clearly demonstrate the flight reaction of cod as a response to the noise from the vessel. Horizontal dispersal and downward swimming has been ... -
Observations of the Haemoglobin Types of Cod in the Norwegian Coastal Waters
(ICES CM Documents;1962/141, Working paper, 1962) -
Observations on capelin (Mallotus villosus) in Newfoundland waters
(ICES CM Documents;1972/H:12, Working paper, 1972) -
Observations on Polar Cod in the Barents Sea
(ICES CM Documents;1966/5, Working paper, 1966) -
Observations on Polar Cod in the Barents Sea
(ICES CM Documents;1962/35, Working paper, 1962) -
Observations on Silver Smelts (Argentina sp.) from the Norwegian Deeps
(ICES CM Documents;1970/F:13, Working paper, 1970) -
Observations on the Cod and Cod Fisheries of Lofoten
(ICES CM Documents;1953/36, Working paper, 1953) -
Observations on the Depth Range of tagged Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.) based on Pressure Marks on the Lea Tag
(ICES CM Documents, Working paper, 1964)The present paper is an investigation on the depth range of tagged bluefin tuna based on pressure marks on the Lea tag (Figure 1). It was observed that the within season recaptures were without pressure marks, while the ... -
Observations on the embryonic development of capelin (Mallotus villosus MÜLLER) from the Barent Sea
(Fiskeridirektoratets skrifter, serie havundersøkelser;vol 18, no. 2, Research report, 1986)The embryonic development of the Barents Sea capelin is described, with emphasis of characteristic features which can be applied in the ageing of eggs. The development is described for three different temperatures observed ... -
Observations on the spawning grounds of the North Sea and Norway coast stocks of saithe
(ICES CM Documents;1974/F:44, Working paper, 1974)