Browsing Brage IMR by Title
Now showing items 5347-5366 of 11946
A model of Black Sea circulation with strait exchange (2008–2018)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The Bosphorus exchange is of critical importance for hydrodynamics and hydroclimatology of the Black Sea. In this study, we report on the development of a medium-resolution circulation model of the Black Sea, making use ... -
A model of estimating biological attachment of fish stocks to exclusive economic zones
(ICES CM Documents;1993/D:43, Working paper, 1993)The paper describes a model of calculating indices of attachment of fish stock to fisheries zones based on biological parameters. Input data are weight by age, mortality rate and the percentage area distribution of an ... -
A model of vertical distribution of pelagic eggs. A computer realization [HELP 17]
(help, Research report, 1988)The presented mathematical model and it's realization in an interactive computer program describes the vertical distribution of pelagic fish and plankton eggs. The water column has a density gradient and the vertical ... -
Model-informed classification of broadband acoustic backscatter from zooplankton in an in situ mesocosm
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Classification of zooplankton to species with broadband echosounder data could increase the taxonomic resolution of acoustic surveys and reduce the dependence on net and trawl samples for ‘ground truthing’. Supervised ... -
Modeling emergent life histories of copepods
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The distribution and population dynamics of zooplankton are affected by the interplay between currents, behavior, and selective growth, mortality, and reproduction. Here, we present an individual based model for a copepod ... -
Modeling fish reaction to vessel noise, the significance of the reaction thresholds
(ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2001)A simple model of fish reaction to vessel noise is made. The fish are assumed to swim directly away from the noise source. The main noise source is assumed to be the propeller. Parameters for endurance and swimming speed ... -
Modeling fitness changes in wild Atlantic salmon populations faced by spawning intrusion of domesticated escapees
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Genetic interaction between domesticated escapees and wild conspecifics represents a persistent challenge to an environmentally sustainable Atlantic salmon aquaculture industry. We used a recently developed eco‐genetic ... -
Modeling key processes affecting Al speciation and transport in estuaries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Assessments of the impacts of aluminium (Al) to aquatic organisms in estuarine waters have suffered from the lack of available models that can accurately predict the presence of toxic physico-chemical forms (species) of ... -
Modeling secondary production in the Norwegian Sea with a fully coupled model system
(ICES CM documents;L:09, Working paper, 2010-09) -
Modeling secondary production in the Norwegian Sea with a fully coupled model system
(ICES CM documents;L:09, Working paper, 2010-09) -
Modeling the Distribution of Habitat-Forming, Deep-Sea Sponges in the Barents Sea: The Value of Data
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The use of species occurrence as a proxy for habitat type is widespread, probably because it allows the use of species distribution modeling (SDM) to cost-effectively map the distribution of e.g., vulnerable marine ecosystems. ... -
Modeling the impact of climate change on mussel aquaculture in a coastal upwelling system: A critical assessment
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Forecasting of climate change impacts on marine aquaculture production has become a major research task, which requires taking into account the biases and uncertainties arising from ocean climate models in coastal areas, ... -
Modeling the influence of time and temperature on the levels of fatty acids in the liver of Antarctic fish Trematomus bernacchii
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Antarctic fish (Trematomus bernacchii) are an ideal group for studying the effect of ocean warming on vital physiological and biochemical mechanisms of adaptation, including changes in the fatty acid composition to higher ... -
Modeling the target strength of Calanus finmarchicus
(Others, 1999) -
Modeling the target strength of Meganyctiphanes norvegica
(Others, 1999) -
Modell for kritisk organisk belastning under fiskeoppdrettsanlegg MOM(modellering-overvåking-matfiskanlegg)
(Fisken og havet, Research report, 1995)Rapporten presenterer en nyutviklet modell for beregning av maksimal fiskeprodusjon som tillater levende bunndyr i sedimentet under oppdrettsanlegg. Videre presenteres to nyutviklede underliggende modeller for henholdsvis ... -
Modelled dispersal of snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) larvae and potential settlement areas in the western Barents Sea
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Since the mid-1990s, a snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) population has established in the eastern Barents Sea. Spawning females and newly hatched larvae are now also found in the central Barents Sea, warranting speculations ... -
Modelled distribution of salmon lice in a Norwegian fjord
(ICES CM documents, Working paper, 2004)Salmon lice is a huge problem for both wild and farmed salmonid fish in fjords. An assessment of salmon lice in a fjord system will bring forward the knowledge of wild salmonid fish stocks and help manage salmonid fish ... -
Modelled drift patterns of fish larvae link coastal morphology to seabird colony distribution
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-05-13)Colonial breeding is an evolutionary puzzle, as the benefits of breeding in high densities are still not fully explained. Although the dynamics of existing colonies are increasingly understood, few studies have addressed ... -
Modelled drift patterns of fish larvae link coastal morphology to seabird colony distribution
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-05-13)Colonial breeding is an evolutionary puzzle, as the benefits of breeding in high densities are still not fully explained. Although the dynamics of existing colonies are increasingly understood, few studies have addressed ...