• Automatic length estimation of free-swimming fish using an underwater 3D range-gated camera 

      Risholm, Petter; Mohammed, Ahmed Kedir; Kirkhus, Trine; Clausen, Sigmund; Vasilyev, Leonid; Folkedal, Ole; Johnsen, Øistein; Haugholt, Karl Henrik; Thielemann, Jens T (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Camera estimation of fish size in aquaculture production and fisheries is crucial for enabling knowledge-based decision making. Automatic estimation of fish lengths on an individual and population basis are key steps to ...
    • Post-smolt Atlantic salmon can regulate buoyancy in submerged sea-cages by gulping air bubbles 

      Barrett, Luke T.; Larsen, Lars-Thomas Unneland; Bui, Samantha; Vågseth, Tone; Eide, Erlend; Dempster, Timothy; Oppedal, Frode; Folkedal, Ole (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) are the most severe health challenge facing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) aquaculture. Infestations threaten farmed and wild salmonids, drive up production costs, and limit industry ...